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Kindle/amazon question


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I am seriously considering the cheapest kindle for my 10 year old daughter.


My question is about the amazon accounts. She has an account that she created one time to buy something from a gift card that someone gave her. I have an account that has amazon prime on it. I have since added her account to my amazon prime. Our financial info is not attached to her account and she's only used it 1 time.


I'm a little confused about the amazon account I should set this up with. I'm thinking she'll have more options if she uses my account but maybe she can use her account. I'm just thinking trying to get this straight in my own mind. If a few years go by and we decide to upgrade to a fire (or equivalent) and then she graduates high school will we be able to switch her stuff to her own account or is that not an option.


I'm just trying to understand.



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If you have Prime then you will want to keep her on your account if she wants full access to everything you have now. If she has her own account you could gift her with books that you purchase but she wouldn't have access to the loaning library or free prime instant video if you're getting the Kindle Fire.


I think she would be able to keep anything that is actually downloaded on her device or was gifted to her if she switches to her own accounts later.

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If a few years go by and we decide to upgrade to a fire (or equivalent) and then she graduates high school will we be able to switch her stuff to her own account or is that not an option.


I see you already decided, but the answer to the above question is no. Content stays with the account, not the device. FWIW, dh, ds, and I share an account. I will probably set up an account for ds in a year or two, so that any books he'll want to keep forever will be his own and he can keep his account when he eventually leaves home.


One option is to have two accounts, but keep her Kindle registered to the one she'll use most often (probably yours at this time). If/when you want to buy her any books that she'll want to keep, buy them on her account. You can deregister a Kindle and register it to another account as often as you want. It's easy enough to do, and you would just register it back to your account when she's done buying/reading the book(s) that will stay on her account. Going back and forth from one account to another isn't that difficult, so whatever you decide to do isn't irreversible. What is irreversible are the books since they stay with the account rather than the Kindle itself.


I *think* you can buy ebooks without attaching it to a credit card, but I'm not sure. That's how we have ds' iTunes account set up. It's not attached to any debit card, credit card, or bank account. He can only buy songs/apps using gift cards. If you can do that with her Amazon account, that would be my suggestion.


You said you bought her the cheapest Kindle. Is it this one? If so, there really isn't anything in Prime that she would use with it (dh has this one) other than the Kindle Owner's Lending Library. I don't think there are many books for her age group in the KLL, so not having access to that isn't a big deal. There's no watching videos on an e-ink reader either, and that's the only other Prime perk I can think of that Kindle users would be interested in.


Just wanted to give you some things to think about.

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