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I am wishing I could afford a monthly housekeeper. I am barely staying afloat on the cleaning.


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Could you do a section a day ?...I usually spend an hour on one big section a day and then keep everything else tidy and put away. Like I do the basement one day, 1st floor(den, dining and kitchen) 2nd floor (bedrooms and baths). Then just start over...each area gets cleaned twice a week this way and everything sort of stays manageable...kykwim. :)

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Oh my gosh yes!


Went to a Homeschooling super-mom's house yesterday. I call her supermmom because for the life of me I cannot figure out how she can have 5 children, 5? dogs a cat and a husband and have a house that is SPOTLESS with NO clutter. none. NO CLUTTER... And it's always like that.


It's not just her, either. My neighbor who works full time with 2 kids-- her house is always spotless. Like inlaws coming over clean.


I came home to my house that has a couch COVERED in laundry waiting to be folded, kitchen sink loaded with dishes, dog having peed on pretty much everything while I was gone, and clutter. everywhere. And I only have 3 kids and 1 dog...


And before you think otherwise, I am not a clutter person. I hate clutter. I throw clutter away constantly. But I have children who dump stuff EVERY WHERE. And a husband who thinks that his jink belongs everywhere and on every countertop. So I'm constantly battling that...


I cried.


I am going to try to do better around here, but I clean something and my children or husband or dog comes behind me and messes it up. I scream at them to clean up what I had just cleaned, but they do a HORRIBLE job (I'm convinced they are doing badly on purpose, because they're not idiots). Then I go back and do it again. repeat that a few thousand times and I eventually go to bed with a bottle of wine, a wine opener, and no wine glass. I skip the wineglass and drink from the bottle.

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I heartily agree. I love when my housekeeper comes...all the house is clean at once. And it's easier to keep that way.


Besides all that. I'm just not good at keeping a clean, tidy house. Why do I fret so much over something I'm simply not talented at???? Will be working to see how we can afford that once a month or, better yet, twice a month cleaning service.

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I am going to try to do better around here, but I clean something and my children or husband or dog comes behind me and messes it up. I scream at them to clean up what I had just cleaned, but they do a HORRIBLE job (I'm convinced they are doing badly on purpose, because they're not idiots). Then I go back and do it again. repeat that a few thousand times and I eventually go to bed with a bottle of wine, a wine opener, and no wine glass. I skip the wineglass and drink from the bottle.

this is the story of my life. (minus the husband. He is a tidy person, much tidier than me.)

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I heartily agree. I love when my housekeeper comes...all the house is clean at once. And it's easier to keep that way.


Besides all that. I'm just not good at keeping a clean, tidy house. Why do I fret so much over something I'm simply not talented at???? Will be working to see how we can afford that once a month or, better yet, twice a month cleaning service.



I love this viewpoint! I've always looked at it as a personal failure, but now I see that it just isn't my talent. And I do have so many other talents that make up for it! Right? Well, not into cooking, can't sew to save my life, hate crafts, abhor yard work.....maybe the whole domestic scene just isn't my thing... :D

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I have the older 3 kids sick this week so I am doing all of their chores plus my regular stuff!! I am exhausted. I have come to really appreciate all of the work THEY do around here to help out.


We had a lady come once a week after i had our 3rd child.....it was only for a couple of months but what a difference. Her name was Lucy.


Around here when we need to do a really good clean up, DH and i say we need to have a Lucy Day!!!

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I would absolutely love to have someone come once a week or once every other week after #5 is born. Actually, now would be a good time to start having someone come over, I'm slowing down and it's hard to get stuff done. On the other hand, I feel like I would need to have the house clean enough to have someone come over and clean.

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