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Stuck on Percentages

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My daughter is stuck on decimals and percentages. I'd really like her to get this down before we move on to Pre-Algebra. If her math brain could keep up with her science brain, we could have made it to Chemistry by now. However, we are not there. She really wants to work in the science field so percentages ARE important to understand. It took her awhile to get multiplication down, too, but she DID get it, eventually. I'm hoping that's the case here. However, I'd also like to know how I might help her. We were in Life of Fred but have now gone back to TT7 just for help with review. I don't get percentages either, truthfully, unless they're even numbers!


Any suggestions?

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I don't know if I can explain this memory trick clearly or not, but I will try. Example: % changed to a decimal. I ask my student how many circles are in the percentage sign. 2 are in the sign... this is how many spaces we will move to the left to place the decimal. 190% becomes 1.9 2% becomes .02


Changing the decimal to percentage you remember the percentage sign has two circles and you move right towards the end of the number where the symbol will go.


.435 becomes 43.5% 9.67 becomes 967%


This probably doesn't help a bunch, but it helped me and my kids.

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