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Where can I find wine corks?


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We don't drink much wine, and I found this adorable pattern for Christmas trees tops for wine corks. But I need corks! I don't think I've ever seen bags of them for sale anywhere? Would a restaurant give them to me? They don't save them, do they?


Frustrated because they're ADORABLE but I don't want to go buy corks at the hardware store, I want the cute WINE corks!




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Whole Foods has a big container in their wine department for cork recycling. People bring in their old corks to dump in it. I have no idea how they're recycled, but we usually scoop some up whenever we need corks for anything. Last time we were in I noticed the container was pretty empty, which I assumed was because everyone is taking them for Christmas craft projects.


I wonder if other stores do something like this.


Edited to add: There's a cute pattern for cork-based elves on Ravelry. They remind me of those Christmas trees.

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Whole Foods has a big container in their wine department for cork recycling. People bring in their old corks to dump in it. I have no idea how they're recycled, but we usually scoop some up whenever we need corks for anything. Last time we were in I noticed the container was pretty empty, which I assumed was because everyone is taking them for Christmas craft projects.


I wonder if other stores do something like this.


Edited to add: There's a cute pattern for cork-based elves on Ravelry. They remind me of those Christmas trees.



OMG I had no idea?! I'll check out WF before I buy some.


Enjoy the wine, ladies-- and then knit elves and Christmas trees! :-)



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