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Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time


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This book was recommended to us as we are exploring our faith from a very liberal (?) perspective. I posted a few days ago about looking into Christian churches. We currently attend the UU church and are former Mormons- and threw the baby out with the bath water when we left.

We've gone to a few Episcopal services because we realized it was important to us to explore churches that at least held our social beliefs and encouraged intellectual thought and a diversity of beliefs.

Anyhow, as we explore Christianity and the Episcopal church, are there any other books/websites/videos you would recommend, specifically from a non-literal, progressive viewpoint? I don't even know if I'm using the correct adjectives, but I hope you'll understand!! Thanks!

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You could check out Patheos.com, as it has a separate progressive Christianity section on their web site. Look at www.sarcasticlutheran.com, www.darkwoodbrew.org . I agree that Borg is a bit of a tough read, but one book I would highly recommend for someone in your situation is his latest, Speaking Christian. Excellent about the basics of the meanings behind the Christian vocabulary and the differing perspectives. You could also check out www.phillipgulley.org who is a Quaker minister whose books I thoroughly enjoy (Read If the Church Were Christian). Though a rabbi, you might also check out anything written by Barbara Brown Taylor, Rabbi Harold S. Kushner(author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People. His book, Who Needs God is an excellent read), Diana Butler Bass, John Shelby Spong, Karen Armstrong (Sometimes Borg-like in that it is definitely not light reading). Some folks love Brian McLaren but I find him a bit too vague to follow. Robin R. Meyers is good too. Of course, Desmond Tutu is well known and enjoyable to read as well.


You might also look into the home version of Living the Questions, a progressive Christian DVD study curriculum. It's available at www.livingthequestions.com and there are a couple other DVD series' they offer as well.


http://www.thethoughtfulchristian.com is another resource.


For more fun reading, try Ann Lamott.


Hope this gives you a starting point! There is a growing list of authors who speak with a progressive Christian voice. Of course, I feel the greatest progressive Christian was Jesus himself!



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:: thud ::


That is SO cool. Sorry about my post a couple back (although I tried!). I was at church and didn't write much by way of thoughts/explanations. But your follow up post revealed more than I'd gotten the first time so it's all good! Thanks for sharing.

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:: thud ::


That is SO cool. Sorry about my post a couple back (although I tried!). I was at church and didn't write much by way of thoughts/explanations. But your follow up post revealed more than I'd gotten the first time so it's all good! Thanks for sharing.





Wrong thread. Dratted phone.

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