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World Education Games

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Does anyone have experiences or information they would like to share? We are considering do this, but the website won't be open until just a month before the games and the information seems to be limited. My son is a bright 9 y.o. doing 3rd -5th grade work. Are the games general knowlege oriented or only for the super advanced. How much does touch typing play in doing well?







ETA: would this be a good experience regardless of where he places?

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We participated last year for the first time. Typing skills will help him do better, but my kids had fun with it even though they aren't great typists. My kids didn't place anywhere special and they had a good time anyways (And I would describe my 8 y.o. much like you described your son). In fact my ds8 was just asking me about doing it again the other day. I think they started at a very basic level and were able to work up to some slightly more challenging stuff.

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My DD did it last year, and loved it. It's very, very hard to place high enough to actually get anything but a certificate printed from mom's computer (simply because you have to be in the top 50 in the WORLD to get any of the other awards), but it's a good challenge for kids to work towards-I'd focus on completion and point out what your DC has done, not on placement-IE, answering 800 math questions with 95% accuracy in 50 minutes is pretty impressive, even if someone else was faster. The content wasn't terribly hard for my DD last year, but her typing speed was an issue, and that's something she's been working on this year. FWIW, she also decided that she wanted to do Earth Science this year because of all the "stupid rock questions" last year.



For my DD, the best part was getting to see where all the kids were from, and after awhile, she started to recognize certain opponents. She was VERY excited to see some of the kids she'd competed against (and sometimes won against) on the leader board.

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My boys did the games this year. We didn't bother with placement as we only spend an hour on the games on competition day. I had to key in for my boys ( 6 & 7 at that time) as they can't type fast enough. They just yell out the answers.


My boys had fun and were pretty excited to be competing with people from everywhere..

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We do this as a homeschool group and everyone pays $1 to sign up. We have a mom in charge who signs us up as a 'school'. That way our kids compete against each other as well as the whole world. We award gift card to the top scorers in each age group.

American Math Challenge which is in October is not as competitive and last year we had a student in the top 20 and our homeschool group also made the leaderboard. It is similar to the World Math Day.

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Mr 5 LOVED it last year, and got some medals and certificates out of it (you get a printed certificate sent to you if you're in the top 100 internationally, otherwise you can print your own certificate from their website). Be warned, it can take a LONG time on competition day to get through all of the rounds, and the science last year was particularly slow to load (painfully). The biggest thing for DS was that it improved his typing skills out of sight, because he was so frustrated that he could say the answer immediately but then had to type it... and mean mummy said it had to be all his work including the typing.

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