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Disney Question

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My dh and I are finally biting the bullet and saving for a trip to Disney next year. I am already excited and planning. We are going next September, and I have ordered the planning guides.


My question is this - I read somewhere about ordering pins(?) on ebay to trade while there? What are they? Would they make good stocking stuffers for the kids to get them in on the planning and excitement? I haven't been in 15 years, and my children have never been. This is probably the only time we will ever be able to take them, so I want to make the most of it!


Thanks for your help, and I would love to hear your words of wisdom!

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My dh and I are finally biting the bullet and saving for a trip to Disney next year. I am already excited and planning. We are going next September, and I have ordered the planning guides.


My question is this - I read somewhere about ordering pins(?) on ebay to trade while there? What are they? Would they make good stocking stuffers for the kids to get them in on the planning and excitement? I haven't been in 15 years, and my children have never been. This is probably the only time we will ever be able to take them, so I want to make the most of it!


Thanks for your help, and I would love to hear your words of wisdom!


Well you may already know this but in September they usually have the dining plan for free. Thats good news right??


We are Disney fanatics and are going in January. We do not do pin trading so I can't help with that.


I will say I would go to www.disboards.com everything you could possibly need to know (and more) they can answer over there. Another good site for info and pictures is www.allears.net


Have a blast planning, for me it's half the fun!

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My kids never got into trading pins, but many do. I collect them when we do something fun or special. The nice big pins at the parks are around $8 each, smaller ones are about $6 and then they have sets for $10 and up. Many of the pin lots on ebay aren't that special, but if you are using them to trade with CMs that's great if you can get them cheap.


ETA: You could also get them Disney Dollars from your local Disney store so they can buy pins at WDW. BTW, the first week of September is usually official pin trading time with lots of events in EPCOT.

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My kids went when they were 8, 9 and 12 (oldest), 6, 7 and 9 (middle), 2, 3 and 6(youngest). We got a package that included pins and the kids liked them. From what I understand the employees are required to trade with kids, bt we never tested that.


Oldest says she wasn't interested. Middle says she wanted to but we didn't do it. Youngest, well he was too young anyway.


But yes, if you are going to participate in pin trading then order some before you go. That's what I've heard anyway. But check on the web how to make sure they are real Disney pins. Some traders are particular about it.

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Okay, who are we trading pins with? Somewhere in the park? Or other visitors? I guess that's what I am not understanding about them.


Thanks for your help so far. Keep it comin'!


It's my understanding that you can trade with the cast members. I've heard that they have to trade with you when asked (Is this true?).


There's also a big pin store at Downtown Disney and they have trading events where I assume you could also trade with other visitors.


But, if your kids aren't already into trading and collecting pins - I wouldn't bother with it.

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Disney employees wear a lanyard around their neck with numerous pins on it. The kids can trade with them at any time--one of their pins for one of the employee's pins. You can get inexpensive lanyards to wear for pin trading at Disney or somewhere else. They wouldn't have to be Disney ones. My kids have pins, but they're special ones that they chose for a reason, so we keep them. They each have a "pin-trading" binder that we bought at Disney, and they keep their pins in that. They're not really "into" the pins all that much, but they are great souvenirs--not real expensive and small!


Have fun!

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Pins are fun. My kids like to keep theirs though, and I agree to buy them there, not on ebay or before they go, it makes it a special remebrance of their trip. They could collect characters, parks, themes, you name it. Disney Vacation Club puts out one a year, and they are collectable, worth something. They sell packages with a lanyard and a pin not too much $$. If you go downtown, they have a kiosk for pin buying and trading. The employees are supposed to trade, but you have to ask them, and you can trade with just the visitors on the street. Have fun. We are Disney Vacation Club, so we go at least once a year. Take a few minutes to hear their talk on their timeshare.

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