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New To Afterschooling

Guest TroyJodyBranch

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Guest TroyJodyBranch



I've batted around the idea of homeschooling since my eldest (8yo) started school. I stumbled upon afterschooling just this week, and I'm SO excited by the idea!


Is there a recommended product? I was simply going to follow along with what they were learning at school and enhance it while reviewing what they learned as well. Does that sound right?


I've struggled with the no homework "rule". I don't want to sit down with my kids for hours on end after school, but I don't see the harm in a bit of review and follow up. Am I wrong in thinking that way?


So glad I found this forum!



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Hi and welcome!


I'm fairly new here too. Everybody does afterschooling differently. For us it incorporates learning German (I am from Germany, but live in the US) and accelerating math and reading (we use Hooked on Phonics and Math U See). I am showing my children that life is full of learning experiences.


You can teach your children along with the PS curriculum or just broaden their horizon by introducing different things. It can be very fun to listen to audiobooks, do science experiments, visit a museum and learn through real life experiences. Your daughter won't even know she's learning!


If you are looking for a sit-down type curriculum, I would suggest reading some of the k-8 board posts or googling specific subjects and homeschool. There are plenty of free resources out there.


I hope you'll enjoy this forum and afterschooling as much as I do!

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Welcome Jody!

I say whatever you feel appropriate for your child is perfect. Some of us afterschool to remediate, some to enrich and some just to follow the path of our children. Either way, I've yet to hear anyone regret spending time with their child to enhance their learning, so go for it :)


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Hi! I am new here too! I have been playing around with different things for years before I knew it was called afterschooling. I do both things that are covered in the classroom (sometimes a teacher will work with me and give me an idea with a newsletter or something and sometimes it's stealth) and things that I want them to learn.


I wanted to homeschool for a longtime and did a lot of talking to homeschoolers and reading on my own. I found the book Well Trained Mind in my searches and that lead me to look at SOTW. I have used that for about three years on our own pace because I liked the idea of that sort of history. I also use extra math depending on which child needs it. Since part of the reason I want to homeschool is to see and be part of what my kids learn, I also do a different unit study every month. It's very casual and includes lots of hands on things that they couldn't do in their school. Science is good for this, learning other cultures, letting them pick something they want to learn.


hope that helps!

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There can be many reasons behind a "no homework" rule for different school districts. I think the top three I would suggest are


#1 research does no indicate that test scores improve by giving the kids more homework

#2 some children get an incredible amount of "help" at home, others no help at all; this rule levels the playing field

#3 no homework gives the children more time for afterschool sports & activities


As much as I disagree with many PS approaches to learning, I do not think that this rule is meant to be spiteful or to keep parents from being involved.

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