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Do I want a cricut?

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I have the opportunity to buy a used cricut expressions. It comes with 2 cartridges. It has not been used much at all.


1. How much is this worth used? What is a good deal?

2. Is there a way to tell how many cuts have been made with the machine?


Previous user says it was used once or twice, but I wondered if there is a way to figure out exactly how much it has been used?


Thank you!,



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Well, I'm an absolutely insane scrapbooker and paper crafter, and I love my Cricut. I use it all the time. Used, I wouldn't pay any more than $100.00 for it, because you can get a new one on sale for $199.00.


It doesn't really matter how many cuts the machine has made because the things you have to worry about are the blades and the cutting mats. The cutting mats can get used up quickly if you use them a lot, but I saw this on Pinterest, and it really works. I do this now instead of buying new mats. Much cheaper. Especially if you buy the glue with a 40% or 50% off coupon.


You also have to periodically replace the blades, but that all depends on what kind of papers you are cutting more than the quantity. There are different kinds of blades for different kinds of cutting, too.

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I'm going to fly my freak flag and say that I have no idea what you're talking about, and I don't think I've ever heard of a "cricut." I'm off to google it, because my curiosity is piqued. Maybe *I* need a cricut and don't even know it??? :tongue_smilie:


(sorry I"m no help....)



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Lynne, I should have just messaged you! Thank you!


BTW: The kids' play room is not getting used anymore. It was a toy room when they were little, a lego room when they were younger, and now it is just a catch all mess room!


I am taking it over and putting my sewing machine and scrapbooking tools in there and getting a TV in there and I will be good to go!


Very excited to have a room to myself.


I am watching the DVD for the cricut and wondering if I can figure it all out?????

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Oh just you wait! You will need one! :drool:


I'm going to fly my freak flag and say that I have no idea what you're talking about, and I don't think I've ever heard of a "cricut." I'm off to google it, because my curiosity is piqued. Maybe *I* need a cricut and don't even know it??? :tongue_smilie:


(sorry I"m no help....)




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Oh, that will be so nice. I really enjoy having my own crafting space. I still haven't figured out EVERYTHING that Cricut can do, but I've managed to figure out the stuff I want to do!


Meant to tell you, too that cartridges vary in price from 29.95 to 89.95, so check on their website for original prices before you buy any used cartridges. I also have a Gypsy, which is a little handheld design computer that attaches to the Cricut. You download all your cartridges into it and can design with more than one cartridge at a time and cut them all out at once. I LOVE it! But, you can only download a cartridge to one Gypsy, so before you buy used, you many want to make sure it has never been synced to a Gypsy in case you ever want to get a Gypsy.

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I love my cricut, but when I bought it you could use a software program with it that would let you design your own stuff and cut it with the cricut. There was a lawsuit and you cant do that anymore. I would hav a hard time just buying cartridges and making that stuff. I know there are other cutters but I don't know much about them.


I don't scrapbook, I have made a lot of cards. I loveitfor cutting vinyl, have made lots of etched glass mugs for gifts. Recently I discovered heat transfer vinyl and made awesome sweatshirts for ds7's whole soccer team using a cricut and an iron.

That could be a small business for someone.

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So, can you still do that with yours?




I love my cricut, but when I bought it you could use a software program with it that would let you design your own stuff and cut it with the cricut. There was a lawsuit and you cant do that anymore. I would hav a hard time just buying cartridges and making that stuff. I know there are other cutters but I don't know much about them.


I don't scrapbook, I have made a lot of cards. I loveitfor cutting vinyl, have made lots of etched glass mugs for gifts. Recently I discovered heat transfer vinyl and made awesome sweatshirts for ds7's whole soccer team using a cricut and an iron.

That could be a small business for someone.

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Costco has a cyber Monday deal on the newer version WITH a bunch of extras (vinyl, ribbon, extra cartridges, etc...) for $179.


If I pay $125 for the used one and add on the extras above, I will spend $179 easily. I would just get the new one if that is the case.






PS: I only know this because I have been researching them today!


Most definitely get the Cricut. I've had mine for a longggg time. I pre-ordered it when it first came out. I'm still on my original machine. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! I'm thinking $125 would be a fair price. :-)

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I have the Cricut. I NEVER use it. I mean I have probably used it 5 times. I have had it for about 5 years. I don't know what my point is LOL.


Maybe I ought to take it out and let dd figure it out.


That was how I was too. I had an addiction to BUYING the cartridges for it...only to use them once and never again. I sold my Cricut and 15 cartridges for $75 at a garage sale. I sometimes wonder if I made a mistake, but honestly, I NEVER used it.

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Oh wow! I would have bought it for that price!


Heck, I would have bought just the cartridges for that price.




That was how I was too. I had an addiction to BUYING the cartridges for it...only to use them once and never again. I sold my Cricut and 15 cartridges for $75 at a garage sale. I sometimes wonder if I made a mistake, but honestly, I NEVER used it.

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