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Teachers Lounge! 11-26-2012

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Just lounging around! HA.


We had a wonderful, relaxing time in Florida! Now we are back.

Today is "Recovery Day" because there is no way on God's green earth that I'm going to attempt

a full scale day of schooling with my Aspie daughter after being off routine for so long!


However, this momma has a bazillion things to do, just today!


Groceries and the weeks's schedule top that list!


How was your Thanksgiving?

Is school on your schedule for today?

What's your crazy schedule like this week?


Talk to me!

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How was your Thanksgiving?

Is school on your schedule for today?

What's your crazy schedule like this week?




Thanksgiving was nice. We went to Cracker Barrel on Wednesday night for our Thanksgiving dinner. Then on Friday, I made two roast chickens instead of a turkey. I think I want to do this every year


School is on schedule for today, but I'm not sure how well it will go. We went a long time just doing math and reading and now I'm trying to add more back in, but it's slow going. Trying not to worry about it too much as he's only first grade.


Today we are hoping to make it to the free day at the aquarium. Dh requested the day off and was denied, but they owe him comp time for working Thanksgiving so we're hoping he can at least get off five hours early. *fingers crossed*. If not, he did take Wednesday off, which is free day at the zoo, so we'll go to that. Also hoping to go to see the lights at Temple Square on one of the trips. DH has many more vacation days to use up before the end of the year, so we'll see what happens.


Pigby also has dance this week. We need to practice a lot at home, but he's doing a lot better than I thought he would. His Christmas recital is in a few weeks, so we're getting down to the wire. It's very exciting!

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We had a great Thanksgiving too. We were supposed to go to Texas to see my sister, but dh couldn't take off from work so we stayed home. It was really nice to have the kids off for a week and for me to have a four day weekend. I think I caught up on a lot of sleep and read a couple of books too.


Today, older dd is in school, and younger dd has vision therapy. Tonight is the 6th grades parent's meeting at dd's school. We have three weeks of school before Christmas break. It will go by fast.

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How was your Thanksgiving?

Is school on your schedule for today?

What's your crazy schedule like this week?


Talk to me!



We had a great Thanksgiving break! We went to Atlanta, GA for Sunday-Tuesday. We crammed a lot into that short period of time - Fernbank museum (loved it), the zoo (favorite activity of the week), aquarium, Olympic Park, Turner Field, world of Coca-Cola, American Girl Store, etc. It was great! DD15 was in NYC for the week, performing in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. She has an amazing time--truly a once in a lifetime experience!


Wednesday and Thursday, we served with our church. Wednesday was prep day. We made a turkey to bring and I helped make stuffing for 600. Thursday we prepared, served and delivered 600 meals to our community. It was a fulfilling, but exhausting day! We've helped every year for the past 9 or so years...but next year we will be taking over as coordinators for the whole mission. Yikes!

After we were done at church on Thanksgiving, we went to my mom's for a small meal. It was nice, but we were exhausted.

Friday, dd15 came home from NY.

Saturday, we had our "family Thanksgiving" with our immediate family and my grandparents. After cooking for 600 on Thursday, cooking for 9 on Saturday was a breeze!

Yesterday, we had church in the morning, dd15 had dance practice in the afternoon, and then we went to a Moravian Love Feast at our church. My two youngest sang at the Love Feast.


School for my younger three is done for today. We crammed a lot into this morning so that the 3 youngest kids could go to my mom's this afternoon and help put up her Christmas tree. They just left. DD15 has more to do. I plan on getting on the treadmill this afternoon and then taking a quick shower before our afternoon/evening activities gear up. DD15 has dance rehearsal from 4:30-6pm. DS has Scouts from 6:30-9pm.

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How was your Thanksgiving? It was great! The kids had lot of fun seeing their cousins they haven't seen in a while. We have two meals - one thanksgiving dinner and on saturday we have turkey gravy biscuit day for the leftovers and invited our close family and friends.

Is school on your schedule for today? No, light schedule for us until January! Writing & Grammar (IEW SWI-B and Fix it!) for the oldest and math for the 7 year old because he wanted too. We're done for the day though!

What's your crazy schedule like this week? Extra curriculars are normal this week but we're way overscheduled without adding anything else. We have to go set up and decorate my grandmas tree. I'm also placing my last few orders for Christmas gifts. We also have two doctors appointments and an eye appointment this week. My nephews b'day party is this Saturday so we have that too.. The December crazyness is starting to begin!

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We had a pretty quiet Thanksgiving, with half of us being sick enough to not move. It was nice, though, once we got over it and just hung out together.


Is school on your schedule for today?

It was. And we are now DONE!


What's your crazy schedule like this week?

It's crazy enough to drive my dh insane! Today I had a firehouse tour with my cub scouts, and the rest of the week is filled with a 2-day seminar, co-op planning meeting, creative writing group, co-op, scouts, and Christmas tree sales. And fitting school somewhere in there. :lol: Dh got off early today to help me with the cubs - surprise! He's not a kid person at all so it shocked me. On the way there he said "I may not always understand the things you do with your free time, but I'm trying." :001_wub: I think he's just going to miss me when I duck out every night this week and leave him with the 2yo. :p

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