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What happens to boys around 10 years old?

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My poor guy. He is so emotional lately, so easily upset and frustrated and angered. I feel like all these things are just bubbling around inside of him and it's way too easy for them to boil over. I feel so badly for him. I remember being emotional but not til around 13 or so. And my DH just cannot deal with any attitude from him, even when it's clear that DS isnt really in control of himself (he usually just bursts into tears after getting angry).


Any ideas? Suggestions? Maybe some omega 3 would help?306.gif

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Mine is like that right now, too. I think it's hormonal because right after an explosive outburst yesterday, he yelled at me, "I hate my life!" I asked what he hated and he said, "Everything!" Usually, if something is bothering him, he's able to verbalize it. But that was so...generalized. It reminded me of me when I'm feeling hormonal, and I feel like I hate 'everything.'


Maybe some Omega-3's would help. That's a good idea that I'm going to try.


A few days of hard, physical work per week has helped my son...not as punishment...it's more like a treat, because he gets to work with his dad (he's a carpenter) for a day or two. It has caused him to fall a behind on my beautiful schedule :rolleyes: , but I think he does better schoolwork if he's had those full days of hard work. Is there some way your son could do big, physically demanding projects around the house?

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We're going through the same thing here with my almost 10 year old. Some days are just fine. Other days, look out. I was thinking the same thing... I remember being a 13-14 year old girl and life was an emotional roller coaster. I think it's happening earlier for everyone these days. He says some days, he just feels "off" a bit. I try to be patient with him, and I do let him know that this is normal, everyone goes through it, and that it's okay to be sad or emotional, but not okay to take it out on others.

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My elder two boys seem to manage their emotions through physical exercise: a strenuous game of tennis; an hour's stamina training in the swimming pool; even a long run. It seems to help relieve their frustrations and anger and leave them calmer and more able to cope with all the new confusing feelings and issues they're having to deal with.

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I said to my 10 year old yesterday that I thought he had gotten over colic already. He has always been high maintenance personality wise though. He's just a very intense person.



LOL. That's the same with mine. He gets very emotional. He is intense all around. I guess I'm sort of lilke that though.

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