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Do you think it's dangerous (legally) to do this during school hours? (CC)

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My 7th grade dd has always had a heart for the unborn (she prays and contributes to the pregnancy center and knits at least 30 hats a yr for the babies there) and wants to go pray with a group of adults in front of a Planned Parenthood on surgery day. The adults have been doing this in this location for yrs-they simply pray quietly and hand out info if it seems appropriate. They take pains to not be aggressive-it is mainly praying. (they are shouted at or sworn at occasionally, which dd is prepared for.) I don't know how many people there will be in the group. I would be there and would also need to take my 9yo son.


We are in a highly regulated state (NY) so I'm a little leery if this would be any kind of legal problem. (like for example if PP would report that there are kids out there during school hours). If it seems like it would be a problem, we might reconsider and go from 7:30-8:30 a.m. so it's not technically during school hours-would that make a difference?


I know many hs'ers do political rallies, etc., during school hours and that's ok-I'm just concerned that PP or someone would report the kids or something.


I'm also thinking of asking HSLDA (we are members) just to make sure but thought I'd ck here to see if anyone has done this or has any opinions.


This thread is strictly posted to get answers to the exact questions I have here; please just ignore the post if you feel differently about pro-life.

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Well, I wouldn't let her go because I disagree with protesting planned parenthood. Peaceful as praying is, the location is still a protest. As for the legality of a school aged child being there during school hours, you said you would be with her so I think that is a moot issue.

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In addition to state laws, you need to check your city laws for daytime curfews. Some cities don't allow school age kids out and about between certain hours, but if you are with her, it shouldn't apply.


Wow, that's something I've never even thought about--daytime curfews. I'm rather stunned, actually.


HappyGrace, glad you found what you needed--didn't mean to hijack. I'll start a new thread.

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