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Who's son was it that broke both his arms?

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That is my claim to fame, Swellmomma! Thanks for remembering us! We are managing just fine. We went to the ortho last Wednesday and were shocked that after 4.5 weeks, the casts were off for good! The radiuses in both arms are healed. The wrists still have a bit to go, but the doctor wants him to work with them. He was so scared at the thought of not having the casts. That kind of surprised me. I thought he would be very happy. He was afraid of hurting them again. But, it's been a few days now and he's making improvements every day.

He still can't write without pain and has a hard time closing his hand completely. Good thing we're entering out winter break next week. Man! I'm so sick of taking dictation! LOL And we are both supremely relieved that he can bathe himself now. :)

Thanks for checking in on us. You made my day!

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I am so glad to hear he was able to get them off. DS was terrified for a long time about rehurting his arm and his leg each time the casts came off for good. Sorry to hear he is still having pain though. That sucks. Is he going to need to go to physio to strengthen his wrists and regain his grasp? What a relief he must be feeling to not need your help in the bath or toileting anymore. That would be worth the pain of having them off if I was in his shoes.

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He is very relieved! I didn't have to help with toileting after he got on the permanent casts (thank the stars!). But I washed his hair in the sink every day (he is 12 after all) and got him in and out of the shower every other day. The thing he hated most though? Not being able to wear jeans! Funny the things that bug us, huh?

They haven't ordered any physio for him, but gave him some exercises to flex his wrists and the doctor stressed the need to use them as much as possible. I am making sure he's doing them. I noticed today while we were watching a movie that he was doing his exercises. So, he's on top of it!

The doctor said that I could bring him back in for a recheck if I wanted, but he felt that they would heal just fine and his prognosis is good.

No sports for a month yet. No trampoline or rough housing. I don't want him lifting anything heavy yet.

I feel so lucky that it wasn't worse! I'm so grateful he didn't have a traumatic head injury or broken teeth. When I think of things that could have happened..... I'm glad it worked out so well.


Oh, and BTW, I'm glad to see you were able to keep your machine gun kitty! :o)

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If there is any way you can - swimming really helped my dd get back to full use of her arm. She didn't spend all of her time worrying about falling and reinjuring herself and even just playing helped her regain strength and flexibility. Her cast came off in August and we spent a lot of time at the pool.

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If there is any way you can - swimming really helped my dd get back to full use of her arm. She didn't spend all of her time worrying about falling and reinjuring herself and even just playing helped her regain strength and flexibility. Her cast came off in August and we spent a lot of time at the pool.


Thanks for the suggestion! We don't have access to a pool this time of year, but it's a good thing to remember. I do have 2 boys. I don't think this will be my last rodeo. LOL

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