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IPC vs Conceptual Physics/Chemistry

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I've searched the forums (before and after the update) and haven't really found what I'm looking for. I'm hoping moms that have BTDT with offer some feedback and pros/cons to help me figure out my mind.


I'm working on budgeting for 10th grade, which means it's time to choose curriculum again. I have NO IDEA what to do about science and I really need some help here. :willy_nilly: <-- That's me when dealing with science for DS14. Seriously, I spend way too many hours, days, weeks, months agonizing over what to use.


DS14 dislikes science. It's a check-the-box, get-it-done course. He's unlikely to ever be a STEM major but doesn't really know what he might want to do post-high school. He doesn't care for math either, but we've found success with Life of Fred and are starting Algebra 2 next month, with a hope to start Geometry late next summer as part of 10th grade.


After I don't know how many hours of researching, I think I'm leaning towards using DIVE Integrated Physics and Chemistry online course w/ the workbook and lab manual. Questions for DIVE:



1. Has anyone used DIVE's syllabus/online textbook? It's advantageous that it's free, but I don't want to sacrifice learning strictly b/c of textbook prices.



2. I've found both BJU Physical World and Physical Science used online for decent prices. Is one version better/stronger/more math heavy than the other? Does DIVE *only* use the texts for reading or would I need to purchase the TE as well?


I've also given serious consideration to using Hewitt's Conceptual Physics combined with Hippocampus, but there's no way I can actually teach physics myself so I figured I'm better off outsourcing it.

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I used ICP with BJU's 3rd edition textbook. That is their previous version, so you should be able to find it for fairly cheap. I asked Dive about which edition to use, and he told me that the 3rd edition followed the course more chronologically than their new edition. I decided not to use Dive's Biology because I wanted to use Apologia Biology without any anatomy in case dd wants to do Anatomy for her fourth science credit.

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If you are going to use Hewitt's, you will need to work through it yourself because he doesn't always show you what you need to know in the chapter in order to be able to work the problems.


The first time I used Hewitts, I didn't know that. I assigned my dd the chapter to read and assigned the conceptual questions and problems at the end of the chapter that looked good to do. She kept telling me that he wasn't showing how to work the problems in the chapter and she was right.


It is a good text. You just need to carefully pick through the problems to make sure that you only choose the problems that he gives examples for in the text or directly teach how to do those problems that he doesn't explain.


The problem-solving workbook does a good job of explaining how to work the problems and goes into a lot more detail than the text does.


I'm using it this year with two 9th graders. One struggled through algebra and the other one is just starting algebra. I make sure to do examples for every problem type they need to work.

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Angie, thank you! This is exactly the type of information I'm wanting and needing.


I never took anything higher than Geometry/Biology in high school. I know without a doubt that I cannot adequately teach physics or chemistry, and to be honest, I really don't want to self-educate myself on them beyond what I need to know about it for my own everyday life.


So Hewitt's is definitely not an option for us.


Now I just need to decide between DIVE's free online-only reading or whether to incorporate BJU Physical Science 3rd edition as suggested by mom31257.

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I used ICP with BJU's 3rd edition textbook. That is their previous version, so you should be able to find it for fairly cheap. I asked Dive about which edition to use, and he told me that the 3rd edition followed the course more chronologically than their new edition. I decided not to use Dive's Biology because I wanted to use Apologia Biology without any anatomy in case dd wants to do Anatomy for her fourth science credit.


Did you need the teacher's book for ICP or was the student text enough?

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Did you need the teacher's book for ICP or was the student text enough?



I did find a really good set that included the TE, so I decided to assign a little extra from the BJU textbook since I had the answers. You definitely wouldn't need the TE because he only has the student read in it. Dd was able to do most of ICP on her own, but she is a student who asks questions where some students just accept things. I did have to study a little here and there to help her in a few spots.

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Thanks. I watched the sample videos on the DIVE website and think it'll be the best way for us to go. I'm leaning towards the DIVE internet syllabus since it seems it's more closely matched, but BJU is still a consideration. We use it now for grammar and will be starting BJU world history soon, so I don't think DS would have much difficulty reading it.

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