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Camera Advice please!

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We need a new camera and an impending trip to Europe is pushing us to make a decision in the next week. My first thought was a Nikon DSLR, but I have put it off because of the weight and size for travel. On another thread, someone mentioned mirrorless cameras so I started looking into that. The Nikon 1 (either V1 or J1) seemed like a great fit so I marched off to the store to see one in person. The sales person kind of pushed me away from the mirrorless and said all I really needed was a nice point and shoot like the Nikon P510. Needless to say, I left more confused than ever. Would you please weigh in with your thoughts?


I would like a camera that is good for travel (smaller, lighter), has good zoom, and has the ability to take action shots.



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We need a new camera and an impending trip to Europe is pushing us to make a decision in the next week. My first thought was a Nikon DSLR, but I have put it off because of the weight and size for travel. On another thread, someone mentioned mirrorless cameras so I started looking into that. The Nikon 1 (either V1 or J1) seemed like a great fit so I marched off to the store to see one in person. The sales person kind of pushed me away from the mirrorless and said all I really needed was a nice point and shoot like the Nikon P510. Needless to say, I left more confused than ever. Would you please weigh in with your thoughts?


I would like a camera that is good for travel (smaller, lighter), has good zoom, and has the ability to take action shots.




I have both a DSLR and a point and shoot. I think the learning curve on DSLRs (unless it's a brand you're familiar with) *can* be steep. And you'd hate to miss a great shot because you can't figure out how to get out of some weird setting you got yourself into!


There are some awesome point and shoots out there that take shots pretty much as good as what I take with my DSLR. So in your situation I would go with the light weight/ease of a point and shoot, but I'd get a good one. If I were buying a new one right now I'd look at the Nikon Coolpix.

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I have a Nikon D7000 and a Nikon point and shoot. I love to take pictures. If and when I have the opportunity to go back to Europe, I will take my DSLR with me even though it weighs more. There is a learning curve, if you get a DSLR make sure you have some time to practice with it.

Edited by Mama Geek
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If you're not familiar with a DSLR, I would go with a point and shoot.


I'm a hobbyist photographer, and while I would probably lug my Nikon D7000 on a trip to Europe, I went out and bought a Canon S95 for our trip to Disney earlier this year. I decided I wanted to go as mom and not as photographer and I wanted a camera that was small enough to slip into a pocket or purse (and I haven't even pulled the card out and downloaded it yet. . . bad mommy).


Where did you go to look at cameras? Actual camera store, or did you go to a big box place like Best Buy? If you have an actual specialized camera store in your area, go in there, even if you don't end up buying from them. My experience with the camera dept in places like Best Buy are 50/50 at best. I know absolutely nothing about the new mirrorless cameras, so I'm no help, but if you feel like one of those would be a good fit, you've read reviews, etc. don't let a pushy salesperson talk you into something else.


Most places should let you take it home and try it for 30 days or so with the option to return if you don't like it. Your best bet is probably to buy one, take it home and try it in a number of situations (good light, low light, still subjects, fast moving subjects, see how your hands feel on the controls, etc.). IME 15 min in the store is just not enough to get a feel for that. And of course you probably know that you want to really familiarize yourself with all the bells and whistles before you go. . . nothing sucks quite like missing a great shot because you are trying to figure the camera out (says the girl who is still working on the focusing system on her DSLR :D)

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I am going to sound pitiful, but I have a Nikon D90 and I'm still in Auto mode :tongue_smilie:. I am able to get great pictures though and don't miss many of the great shots that I did with my point and shoot (it was so slow). It isn't the lightest of cameras, but I would definitely take it on an important vacation.


With a DSLR, there is the whole topic of lenses though. My D90 came with the kit lens (18-105) and I bought a 70-300 for the distance. My dream is to have the 18-200 so I don't need to change my lens to get most of the shots I desire. The lens isn't cheap though so it's on my wish list :D.


I have to say I picked up my camera when I got it and started taking pretty decent pictures right away. My goal for 2013 is to really learn the camera though (I have some books to work through to help me out).


Good luck whatever you decide. Have a great trip...

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We need a new camera and an impending trip to Europe is pushing us to make a decision in the next week. My first thought was a Nikon DSLR, but I have put it off because of the weight and size for travel. On another thread, someone mentioned mirrorless cameras so I started looking into that. The Nikon 1 (either V1 or J1) seemed like a great fit so I marched off to the store to see one in person. The sales person kind of pushed me away from the mirrorless and said all I really needed was a nice point and shoot like the Nikon P510. Needless to say, I left more confused than ever. Would you please weigh in with your thoughts?

I would like a camera that is good for travel (smaller, lighter), has good zoom, and has the ability to take action shots.



I'm not sure if this is too late, but (if not) take a look at the incredible Sony RX100. It is tiny in form factor, but has a relatively large 1" sensor (the same size as the Nikon 1) with a built-in Zeiss zoom lens. The built quality is fantastic! There is a great "jacket" case.


And the RX100 shoots fantastic video. This camera is winning raves in all quarters.


Bill (who is waiting delivery on his own)

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