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Illustrated Scripture passages for children?


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The last couple months I've been reading an old Golden Book containing Psalm 23 to our two youngest. We read it together each schoolday to begin our read-aloud time. Both of them can now quote the entire thing from memory. They love it when I bring out "The Lord is my Shepherd" and we go through it together. (Incidentally, this was my first time trying out the "whole method" of memorization advocated by Ruth Beechick. I must say I find it much easier and more effective than the verse-by-verse approach we always did.)


So now I am on the lookout for more Bible passages put to illustrated book form. After numerous Google searches, I have not found any books or online resources that do this. (Short of making my own!) There are lots of memory resources out there, but they all deal with isolated verses, not passages.


Does anyone have any leads for me?

Edited by birchbark
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I have been on this exact search! We, too, enjoy memorizing longer passages (like an entire Psalm) at a time. I have some illustrated poems we enjoy (like Paul Revere's Ride or Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening), but I can't find much variety for Bible passages yet. Thanks for the link; I have thought about just letting the kids (as they are old enough) copy them down in journals/notebooks and illustrating them themselves.


What I do know of:


Tasha Tudor has a couple...Psalm 23 (again) and The Lord's Prayer...maybe something else if I can remember...


Gennady Spirin has illustrated the 23rd Psalm as well and also the "Christmas Story" taken word for word from the KJV.


Somehow I own this little book: http://www.amazon.com/Wonder-All-New-Leaf-Press/dp/0892214937/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1352858729&sr=1-1&keywords=the+wonder+of+it+all

It has a large passage of Job set to beautiful photography. I like the idea of it and wish I could find more of something like this. I thought about making/ordering my own photo book with scriptures in it. (?)


I think one of the Bluedorn's daughters (Trivium Pursuit) illustrated a Psalm or two, but I haven't seen those.


This book is on my Christmas wishlist. A British soldier illustrated the book of Psalms as a gift for his wife. I think his son had it published after his death. It may serve as inspiration for us in making our own books.


Hopefully others will have suggestions I haven't found yet.

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I think one of the Bluedorn's daughters (Trivium Pursuit) illustrated a Psalm or two, but I haven't seen those.


I have both of her books and they are just lovely. The illustrations are very detailed and are well done. My kids and I both love these books.


Tasha Tudor's book are also very beautiful.


This book is on my wish list.


Genesis by Ed Young is more abstract art but has the actual text.


This book is photographs with Scripture and is so lovely.

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I think your smashbook is soo cute. I love crafts so maybe I'll try it but crafts just don't seem to get done now. I have hand quilt that's still not done after 2 years. Ugh!


Heh heh, well I'm afraid that isn't my blog. :blush: I wish! But I'm with you; crafty things aren't going to get done around here for a few years.


THANKS to the pp's for the rec of the Bluedorn books. They are exactly what I had in mind. There are only two, but they should keep us busy for awhile. Here and here are links for those interested.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I purchased The Psalms of David as a result of this thread and I have to say that it is just so beautiful. I highly reccomend this book! It has such lovely pictures and the calligraphy is just so beautiful. Mr. Freemantle has written the Psalms beautifully and then has intertwined pictures, birds, butterflies, flowers from India, the Middle East, and England where he lived. Anyway, it is just beautiful!

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