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Teachers Lounge 11-13-2012

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Still waking up here, may have to make a coffee run!


Today's offerings in the lounge: gluten free biscuits which happen to be oil free as well because I forgot to add it! :tongue_smilie:


What are you up to today? Me: working on a paper due the end of the week. Attempting to get more schooling done than may be possible in a day with the kids!


Did you do anything for Veterans Day (actual or observed)? I went on an overnight with a couple of girlfriends. They are both screenwriters and one is a producer, so we looked at the feasibility (sp?) of making a short story of mine into film. Really just a brainstorming kind of thing, accompanied by lots of laughter. :D Then yesterday afternoon went to movie with hubby and last night we actually had dinner with all four of us and then played UNO, which my eight year old son won! :)


Today is school for them and me, then ballet for dd and me, and AWANA for son. Whew!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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There isn't enough coffee in the world to cover this morning. :glare: This is always how I feel about the first snow of the season. I am not one of those warm, fuzzy, "Oh look it's snowing! Let's make hot chocolate and cookies and sing 'Walking in a Winterwonderland' type people." The boys, ages nearly 16, 14, and 12 seem to think they should get the day off from school work for the first snow. Seriously boys????? It's not as though you are five and all misty-eyed by the wonders of it all, want to throw on snow pants and go make snow angels. :tongue_smilie: No, they are not inclined to play and on top of this IT IS ONLY BARELY A DUSTING!!!! We can still see the dead grass everywhere.


Do some school work people.


On Saturday, we were on our way to a speaking engagement with the rocket team and stopped along the way at a Wendy's restaurant. The team met a WWII veteran who was there for a cup of coffee. Sweet, sweet fellow! He served in 1944 in the Asian theater. Without prompting, the kids shook his hand and thanked him for his service. I was so proud of them. However, other than that, we didn't go out to any special events because Dh has a horrid cold and is losing his voice. He's pretty miserable and so we all chose to stay inside.


And as I said before, "BOYS! GET YOUR WORK DONE!!!!!!!!!" :D



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Today is going to require more coffee. Lots more coffee.

My poor older dd had to take prednisone last night for an allergic reaction and was then up most of the night unable to sleep. I felt terrible waking her up this morning for school. She was crying because she was so tired. :( Some breakfast and a coke woke her up, but I still felt bad. Of course, 11 is plenty old enough to learn that the world doesn't stop because you're tired, unfortunately.


This morning, I decided that we're making the 18 hour drive Saturday to see my sister in Texas for Thanksgiving. Now, I'm going to be very busy the rest of the week. Anybody want to dog-sit a pair of spoiled dogs so I don't have to put them in the kennel or drive them to Texas?


Dh rode his bike in the Veteran's Day parade this weekend with a group of other cyclist Veterans all dressed in red-white-and-blue funny bike clothes.

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Boy, do I feel like a slacker. Faith, at first, I thought, "Of course you should let your boys enjoy the first snow! I would have, regardless of age." And then you said it was only a dusting. Yeah, that doesn't count. Now, a full on, drop 2 inches of snow, regardless of age, I say, "Have fun!"


Karen, personally I would have let her sleep in. True, when we're older, the world doesn't give us that much grace but still. My daughter struggles with Aspergers Syndrome so that much sleep loss would have totally wiped her out. Letting her sleep in would have been the only thing to do. But we all do what we think is best at the time, don't we? (Please don't think I'm judging your call. Not at all. I hope your daughter gets more rest tonight! And maybe a short nap this afternoon, mom? :) )


Okay, I need to walk the dog and get crackin' on this paper!

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Good morning! I just rolled out of bed. There is an electronic device in this room somewhere that keeps pinging. I can't find it to put it out of it's electronic misery.:glare:


Breakfast will be a 4 oz.green smoothie, eggs and a slice of spelt bread.


Today is a normal day of housework and schoolwork. Zumba tonight!


We had a special Veteran's day service at church on Sunday. Yesterday we didn't do anything special.

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What are you up to today?


Did you do anything for Veterans Day (actual or observed)?


Talk to me! :bigear:


I'm aiming for a super productive day today as I have a to-do list a mile long! As soon as I type this, I'm turning off the computer until I've tackled some of the list!


The kids have been fed and dressed and are well into their morning schoolwork! I've already done two loads of laundry this morning, with bed linens now in the washer. The kids are currently having their morning snack.


I need to scrub our master bathroom tub/shower today and change the shower curtain liner. Dusting is the other major chores on the agenda for today. Other than that, I am focusing on decluttering before the holidays.


I *must* exercise today (after taking Sunday & Monday off). I'd like to do 3 miles on the treadmill, as well as crunches on the balance ball. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to miss my yoga class this evening.


I have two different banks to run to later today (one for personal banking, the other for our Girl Scout troop--I'm the treasurer). I have to go to three different stores to make returns. I also need to take dd15 to Walmart to pick up special leggings to go under her dance costume for the parade. She also has dance from 4-8pm tonight. I have a haircut appointment at 7pm.


Off to tackle the list.....

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I wanted to let her sleep, but she has missed so much school already and spring looms with all of the tree pollen and fear of hospitalizations from allergies. I just didn't want use a sick day unless we had to. It's her first year in school, and she loves it. Her biggest fear is that she'll miss so much school that they'll need to hold her back.


When she was still at home, I gave her all the sick and tired days she needed, but staying in school is her own goal. I often offer to let her stay home when she's being slow or grouchy which she takes as a horrible threat of torture. When she's truly this tired, I hug her tightly and reassure her that it is better to save her sick days for later in case she needs them more. She has a tough path ahead of her which just isn't going to get any easier, but it is a path she's chosen for herself.

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Definitely dragging here today too. It's cloudy, windy, and 20* colder today than it was yesterday... ugh.


Ds2 has gymnastics this afternoon, and I have to run a couple of errands afterward.


School so far has been a video about historical locations in Canada. The boys enjoyed it. Now, they are playing before I get my butt in gear and organize the other assignments. I'm very behind right now.


For Veteran's day weekend, we hit the mall for some of the amazing sales since the boys desperately needed pants and pjs. We also cleaned the house and sorted through clothes to donate, throw away, and keep. I feel accomplished, but after being busy all weekend (we hiked all day Saturday), I'm ready to relax! :D


Hope everyone has a great day!

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Jen, hey, you hit the sales!


Karen, I get it.


Jenn, how's that list coming along?


Jean, did you find that electronic device?


Okay, off to eat my special treat from Arby's. Bought a chocolate turnover because I need all

the help I can get with this paper! Later, gators! ;)


Mmm chocolate turnover.

Now get busy with your paper.

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I'm going to snag some lingonberry jam for those gluten-free biscuits :)


Today I am working (outside of the home). Same ol', same ol', nothing new. What is the topic of your paper?


For Veteran's Day we always do a parade, and my boys' scout troop puts up flags along our small town's main street. This is the week we typically cut back our roses, and my daughter likes to deliver little bouquets and cookies to the veterans we know around town.


How awesome to be in talks about your short story! Even if it ends up not being feasible, how cool that it was even considered - you know? Cool stuff.

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Jenn, how's that list coming along?



It was a good day. I did not get our master tub/shower scrubbed today....guess it will carry over to tomorrow's list (actually, probably until Thursday b/c tomorrow is already a busy day). We got all of our school work done; dinner in the crockpot turned out pretty good; I managed to get to the grocery store; I did 3.42 miles on the treadmill; and I got to get my haircut tonight. All in all, a good day! Now I'm watching a movie with my husband and getting ready to have some ice cream.

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