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2nd Hand Treasures - you okay with them or not?

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I don't mind second hand stuff. We have alot of it. As long as it is in good condition it's fine by me. My friends did a second hand wedding gift list a few years ago. They wrote a list of things they would like if people had it and no longer wanted it or could buy it second hand cheaply. I think we gave them some camping equipment we no longer needed.


I do know a lot of people who are put off by second hand, I don't really know why.

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I have in the past, especially things like skirts that thrift stores have in excess. We went a week ago after donating a few things and left without buying anything...the store was picked over and everyone there looked like they needed the bargains more than us.


If the economy gets better we will shop there again.


My son's favorite clothes are from a slightly older friend, he loves wearing things that were his. They mean more to him than new because of the history.

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