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Who's Going to Tackle Monday with Me?

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Good morning, everyone! It was a good week last week with something tackled everyday. The good news is that I still feel good so here's to another day of tackling life.


What music should I put on today? I'm thinking something jazzy. Any suggestions? jazzysax.gif


OK - people: time for me to hit the showers and to get all my ducks in a row. h1006.gif

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Off to a slow start today. I slept late and I'm really struggling with depression. The kids are off to a slow start too, my fault.

Music is a great idea. Something upbeat. We need to get up, dance, and get some endorphins going.


Shower and dress for me.

Trip to library.



:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Me too :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Dh told me to just survive today. I like the music idea. I am going to try and get some projects done. i need to send in the reimbursement form for our charter school, get some laundry done and do math and reading with Pigby.

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So far I've washed every single little baby bottle and sippy cup part in the house, because my daughters decided 4 am was a good time to practice pouring milk and then try to feed it to the 2 year old. My baby isn't falling asleep until 11 at night, so I can't handle much more of this early morning mischief! But I cleaned and the kids cleaned, and it's taken care of.


I also emailed back the pet sitter for Thanksgiving, took care of the animals in the pouring rain, and made sure all of the children were fed, cleaned, and somewhat clothed for the coming day.


Now I need to get all of our schooly, crafty stuff done and dinner started before my husband gets home tonight. This is the only night he gets home early from work, but lately 4 or 5 o'clock has turned into 8 or 9, so I might have a little extra time to get things done. I'm not going to get it done sitting here though, so I'd better get to it.

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S-L-O-W doesn't even begin to describe my morning. The public school is closed for Veterans Day, so my ds is at a sleep-over at my mom's house, helping her with chores, tasks, and getting Christmas boxes down from her attic.


My dd was up around 7, showered, and taking her Latin quiz by 8:30. This is slow for us, but I've given her the day off from school, except her online class work (Lukeion Latin, TOG writing, AP Psych).


My dh arrived home late Saturday night from a few weeks in Asia, so he's been tired & quite jet-lagged. But he was up at 7 and out the door to the office by around 8, I think.


I woke up at 7, was freezing so didn't want to get out of bed. Snuggled with my dog and did my morning emails/websites routine on my iPad in bed. I finally got out of bed at 9, made coffee and am on the couch, still in my jammies, at 10:00. What a ridiculous start to my day!


I'm going to jump in the shower and then take my dog on a walk. We are all going to see Argo later this afternoon. We had a very busy weekend, so it's kind of nice to have no school today. But I think I'll write this day off when it comes to accomplishing anything. :tongue_smilie:

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Boy, everyone seems to be running slow! Me too, I thought I was getting off to a good start and then everything started to go wrong. But we're chugging along as best as we can.


I'm showered, dressed, fed and now it is chore time. I'm off to clean the kitchen and then we'll start school. I'll check in at 11 am.


We can do it!

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I am trying to tackle it! I am trying SO hard!


My littlest baby has a stomach virus. This is day 2. We are still having issues on both ends, plus a fever :(


I am 1 cup of coffee in (maybe I need more?), dressed but not showered, dinner in the slow cooker, older ds is almost done with his day (currently doing spelling with him between typing words here) and then just math after that. YDS is halfway done, with math and reading to go.


The kitchen is a mess from breakfast plus a few dishes from last night after I had already run the dishwasher. I have a "sick" load in the dryer, a sick load in the washer, and another sick load waiting, plus a basket of clean sitting next to me waiting to be folded.


This afternoon I need to clean two bathrooms and a sick stain on the carpet that I just found in the little's room behind the door.


DH will be home at 7 and then needs to work on a side job he is doing on contract.


It will be a long day, but I am turning on some relaxing instrumental Christmas music and just trying to keep smiling.

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Just keep swimming, just keep swimming. . . .


Regular morning chores are done. Dd10 has started to list things to sell on e-bay. Ds started our first load of laundry for the day. He also nailed down the metal strip between the bathroom and the hall that was coming up and tripping people.


The kitchen is clean!


Latin seminar with ds was switched for Geometry seminar with ds because I was done grading Geometry but not Latin. We will do Latin tomorrow.


Dd10 has started her unit on the Anglo-Saxons. BBC Primary History has a neat website covering this and other topics. We use the extension activities to beef it up.


I am now giving a spelling pretest. I'll check back at noonish.



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I'm here. Ya'll can take a break now. I was up early. I have everything done that needed to be done so far, and now I'm thinking of a nap. :D Older is at school. Younger has finished school, and we've been to vision therapy. I've done laundry and dishes, made breakfast and lunch, and started dinner, plus made some beds, gone to a meeting and done some work. See, I really need a nap and more coffee. I started the day with U2, "It's a Beautiful Day" until SOMEBODY got me singing some John Denver.

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Ok, you motivated me to get going. I showered, did my hair, dressed in something decent, emptied and reloaded the dishwasher, wiped the counters, and started a load of laundry.


Then.....the finals of a tennis match started and I put my dog in her Roger Federer t-shirt and we're watching it. Other than laundry and the movie later, I'd say I'm done for the day. Not too impressive!

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My lunch (salad with goat cheese) is on the table. I have a minute while the kids finish preparing their lunches.


1 load in dryer. 2nd load of the day in the washer.


Did 20 crunches. This is my daily mini exercise goal. (While we are on the subject of exercise, my left foot is acting up and today is kickboxing. Arrgh!)


Ok - time to eat and do our read-a-loud, "Prince Caspian".

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To everyone who is feeling like hangin.gif, I want to give a grouphugg.gif


I am at snack time. Ds is half way through afternoon school. Dd is pretending that she is done with afternoon school. Since what she is ignoring is art, I'm not really up in arms about it and will probably let it go. Unless she starts to get bored and annoying, in which case I will have her do it. I just got back from running to the store for the chemistry supplies that I bought last week for ds's chemistry experiment but that we've now lost.


Now - after a short break - it is time for me to roll up my sleeves and get to the housework part of my day.

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Hi Jean!

Hope your Monday went well! It's a holiday from PS for Hunter, so I was able to finish a bathroom remodel (with tremendous help from my dad), get my Seahawks work under control and focus on the couple of essays and the gigantic history day project Hunter is working on. His social studies and language arts classes don't do as much writing as I wish they would, so we do some after-schooling.

Great day!

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