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Should I buy a treadmill?

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So the backstory is that I really needed to start exercising and I'm not doing my videos and I love to walk (be by myself, just head out the door not drive to a gym etc.) but I needed more results in less time than walking would provide, so I had this great idea that I would do the Couch 2 5K program. I started back in May and it was great, I was waking up at 5am to workout before DH left for work. Then, because I was so out of shape and apparently overdoing it, I ended up with a stress fracture. So now it's getting cold and I'm finally going to be able to workout again! YAY! But the cold! Boo! I just don't see myself having the motivation to head out the door in the dark at 5am when it's below freezing, you know? So I'm thinking about getting a treadmill, but it IS expensive.....but it seems so nice to just hop on that in the morning while I watch the news and slowly wake up than it does to go freeeeeeeze. I'm thinking about trying a Craigslist model, so that my initial investment isn't so high.

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We live in Michigan where it is frigid two thirds of the year! We bought a treadmill and it has been wonderful! We have three kids on the younger side and with homeschooling it's darn near impossible to find time to schlepp out to the gym. But with the treadmill I have no excuse. During quiet time I hop on there and get it done. I'm doing the C25K too and have found that it's MUCH harder running outside than on the treadmill. My BIL suggested I always set the treadmill to at least a 2 incline which more accurately simulates outdoor terrain.


We made sure to spend a little extra for a stronger motor and a longer running deck. It's been well worth it!


This is the one we got.


Edited by BigMamaBird
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Having a treadmill has been the best way to stay consistent in my running. We've had our treadmill for a lot of years. We've owned 2 treadmills in the past 14 years.


I don't think you should get one off craigslist. A treadmill that has a poor motor is difficult to run on. You need a decent treadmill to run. Both of our treadmills have come from Sears, their brand. We always get the extended warranty, and it's worth it. But read up on some reviews and get a treadmill made for running. Most are made to be coat hangers. :tongue_smilie:

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Having a treadmill has been the best way to stay consistent in my running. We've had our treadmill for a lot of years. We've owned 2 treadmills in the past 14 years.


I don't think you should get one off craigslist. A treadmill that has a poor motor is difficult to run on. You need a decent treadmill to run. Both of our treadmills have come from Sears, their brand. We always get the extended warranty, and it's worth it. But read up on some reviews and get a treadmill made for running. Most are made to be coat hangers. :tongue_smilie:


When buying a new one is it possible that a $300-$400 one is actually made to run on or do I need to go over $500 for that?

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Look at thrift stores, garage sales and Craigslist. We didn't move our treadmill from Hawaii, so dh found one at a thrift store here. It needed some small adjustments (the belt was slipping) but he handy and instructions were online. It is a heavy-duty one (he runs fast), looks to be one model newer than our old one and he only paid $50 for it.

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When buying a new one is it possible that a $300-$400 one is actually made to run on or do I need to go over $500 for that?



You would need to go over $500.


If you decide to go the Craiglist or thrift store route, familiarize yourself with the different brands and motors hp's. Look on the Sears web-site, as well as Dick's and maybe read some reviews on Runner's World. If you are knowledgeable you could pick up a good deal somewhere.

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