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Help Me Plan an Election Party!

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A dear friend and I are having an election party for our kids ranging in ages from 1 y.o. -17 y.o. There will be 13 kids. :)


We are going to watch the election results & color in maps as the states are called. I have thought about having our own election to pick the dessert we eat. Maybe pin the tail on the donkey/pin the trunk on the elephant.


We'll be eating dinner together - any ideas for food that might be "election themed"? Games or other activities that might be good? We have lots of red, white, and blue decorations left over from the Olympics, so we should be good there. ;)



Would love any other ideas y'all might have!

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I'm going to be doing this just with my own kids, but the problem is that it will probably be a late night. I'm in EST, so the west coast polls won't even close til 11pm our time- long after my kids go to bed. Hopefully we won't have another 2000 and we'll know the winner by the next day. Sorry I don't have any ideas for you!

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Sounds like fun. I would just make Red, White or Blue food. The stuff you would make for 4th of July.


White sheet cake with that red jello that seeps down into the cake, and blue frosting on top?


It may be a late night . . . or not. Several of the swing states are in the Eastern Time Zone. :001_smile:

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Just to let you know that I started doing this with my kids ago (just the coloring map part). Just last week my 26yo invited himself over for dinner that night so we could all color maps together. And my 23yo is trying to make it but has a major project due at work so is working crazy overtime hours. She was going to take Wed. off so she could be here as late as necessary, but can't make it work now. She is so disappointed.


I had planned on doing this only with the youngest and was surprised my oldest two wanted to do it as well. Make those memories!



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Election Day Cookies:

Basically, cut-out cookies in the shapes of elephants & donkeys, with RWB frosting.




Tie-Dye Fruity Cupcakes

Just make them RWB. They use flavored Jello, but food coloring would be easier.



Flag-shaped Pizza:

Cheese cut-out stars and string cheese stripes on top of tomato sauce.



Thanks for the idea!

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It may be a late night . . . or not. Several of the swing states are in the Eastern Time Zone. :001_smile:


Don't forget that they usually don't begin to announce state-by-state results until the polls are closed in all states, even if the vote is already counted. So you won't hear East results until West polls are closed.

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