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What's good about 30 hours without power

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Now that Sandy has moved along, what can I report? My intense gratitude for electrical power, for one thing. But here's what was really great: after the first 3 or 4 hours of two certain boys relentlessly asking what they could possibly *do* without Mindcrap or iPod (charge was out) or DSis (ditto), they first rediscovered Othello and Upwords, then brought in armloads of wood for the fire. CW became the Great Fire Tender and even took it upon himself to sweep up the bark and bits all over the floor - twice!


And honestly? It was good for all of us to be unplugged for a day-plus, including - or perhaps especially - me.


P.S. It was cold, though, and my bed situation was seriously for the birds. :D

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Now that Sandy has moved along, what can I report? My intense gratitude for electrical power, for one thing. But here's what was really great: after the first 3 or 4 hours of two certain boys relentlessly asking what they could possibly *do* without Mindcrap or iPod (charge was out) or DSis (ditto), they first rediscovered Othello and Upwords, then brought in armloads of wood for the fire. CW became the Great Fire Tender and even took it upon himself to sweep up the bark and bits all over the floor - twice!


And honestly? It was good for all of us to be unplugged for a day-plus, including - or perhaps especially - me.


P.S. It was cold, though, and my bed situation was seriously for the birds. :D



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We had power. However, no phone, t.v. or internet. I agree, it was nice not to have to fight over the electronics! I did go to a place that had wi-fi to check messages on email. It is amazing to think that we communicate via email so much and I had no way of knowing if the kids events had been cancelled or not. I also realized how much I look up information on the internet. I would think, I need to find out about_____ and realize I couldn't just go to the computer:001_smile:

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I LOVED it the week we were powerless after our hurriane last year. Of course it was beautiful weather in the high 70's with low humidity (we wouldn't have been running the ac even if we had power), we built a solar oven, played games and actually used the down trees to build old fashion sling shots as well as trivits for Christmas. We could cook on the grill, or go out to eat. All the local grocery stores had power and plenty of resturants were open. It was lots of areas of just a few blocks at a time with power out, so plenty of places to go.


So we had it MUCH, MUCH better last year than anyone that was in the path of Sandy, but I completely understand. I loved that week.

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I was a bad mom, lol. While we did do a few board games and chatted, we also charged all the little screens in the car with a power inverter. I was way too nervous about facing up to two weeks with no heat to care!


(We lucked out and got turned back on earlier than most of our area, which is looking at 11pm Sunday now!)

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I have always wanted to do a Media Fast, but I only managed to rally everyone together for that one time and that was when the older two were rather young and the youngest had no clue yet anyway.


I still think it's a grand idea. I kind of like that it was forced upon us.

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