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Teachers Lounge 10-30-2012

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It's Tuesday!


My husband got up really early this morning. I intended to get up around 6:30. I did, briefly, to hit the snooze on my alarm. Next thing I knew it was about 20 after 7! :tongue_smilie: Now I'm reviewing grocery list and will be making a trip to the store after I make gluten-free breakfast muffins (which are actually pretty good!). Then maybe I can get some studying done!




I think we should switch up the name again. Maybe something like Teachers Hangout or something to that effect.


What's on your schedule today? here: studying for me, for the kids we need to read at least two chapters in Silas Marner because we have five chapters due by the end of the week. Actually, only my daughter has to have them read but we all enjoy reading it together, which means the kids enjoy listening to Mom read it! ;)


Off to make some breakfast. Back in awhile! :auto:


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Good morning.

Gf muffins are good. My kds had leftover gf cranberry upsidedown cake for breakfast. Cake is a good breakfast food, right?


Today, I'm working and doing vision therapy and a little schooling with younger. I'm also helping youngest finish her halloween costume (she's a tiger), and I need to take older to the store to see if we can find a black rain jacket - she's going to be a zombie tribute (think Hunger Games with the undead). I don't think I'll have time for much else today.

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Good morning!


Today was market day, so the wee'un and I walked up to do a little grocery shopping and then head to the library for storytime. The big kid spent that time on his language arts and history research. :) Lunch was homemade lumpia and rice before my neighbor brought over some bread dough to be cooked up. Yum!


Now that school and chores are done nothing's on the schedule besides watching Pete's Dragon and getting my paperwork ready for my cub mommies tomorrow. They're going on their first campout this weekend. I have a whole list of things to type up and print out to help them know what to expect.

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It's Tuesday!




What's on your schedule today?


Talk to me! :bigear:


We're already about 1/2 done with our schoolwork for today. I made pumpkin bread this morning and served it with sliced apples for breakfast. I had to break down and turn our heat on briefly this morning--it was down to 61 degrees inside when I woke up. I normally don't turn our heat on until November or even December! It's cold (45 degrees), damp, and dismal out today--not our usual NC weather!


On our main agenda for the day is waiting to hear from our relatives on Long Island. We haven't been in touch with anyone since yesterday evening. Last we heard, my cousin had two trees fall on his house. Thankfully he, his wife, and two young boys were not injured to our knowledge.


This evening, dd15 has dance classes from 4-8pm and dh is going to help our two younger dds carve their pumpkins.

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We had pancakes, eggs, hash browns and bacon for breakfast this morning - dh made it. ;) I need to figure out something for a lunch.


Lighter school schedule today because we're waiting for TOG and are busy this afternoon, everyone is actually almost done. :)


We also need to modify costumes to make sure their warm enough for the kids considering it's going to be raining, windy and cold. :glare: Also going grocery shopping, will probably stop at the library and the kids have their various activities.

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We are not starting our actual school work until the afternoon when daddy goes to work. So we are spending out morning/early afternoon baking, cleaning, and doing the laundry.

Later on we will be doing math, language arts, and finishing our halloween lapbook, and work on our elections/presidents study/lapbook.

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Sounds like you all have been much more productive than I have! Before I get sidetracked, though, I wanted to share this recipe for muffins with you. It's FAST! You can even use GF flour in the recipe but you'll have biscuits instead of muffins. They're all good, though! This is out of the Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book c. 1996.


1 3/4 c all-purpose flour (or same amount of gf flour)

1/3 c sugar

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 beaten egg (for gf recipe, use jumbo egg)

3/4 c milk

1/3 c cooking oil


1. Grease twelve 2 1/2 in muffin cups or line with paper bake cups: set aside. In a medium mixing bowl combine dry ingredients. Make a well in center of dry mixture; set aside.

2. In another mixing bowl combine wet ingredients. Then add all wet ingredients to dry mixture. Stir just till moistened (batter should be lumpy).

3. Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups, filling each 2/3 full. Bake in a 400 F oven 20 minutes or till golden. Cool in muffin cups on a wire rack for 5 minutes. Remove from muffin cups; serve warm. Makes 10-12 muffins.


This is SO easy to make, I just had to share! I've used this recipe a LOT, ever since I watched It's Complicated (with Meryl Streep, Steve Martin, and Alec Baldwin). :^)

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Karen, hey, it had cranberries in it right?? :D


mom24cuties, yep, I get it!


I think when I have my own two weeks off from school, kids and I will spend maybe one week getting house-blessing routines down and then the next, maybe a fun field trip, and then we're off to Florida for Thanksgiving! :hurray:


Jenn, I see you're in NC. How are YOU doing? Did the hurricane affect you at all besides making it wet and blustery where you are?

Edited by scrapbookbuzz
Can't forget Jenn! :^)
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Jenn, I see you're in NC. How are YOU doing? Did the hurricane affect you at all besides making it wet and blustery where you are?


We're in central NC, so we didn't see much rain (until last night/today). All this storm brought us is some windy weather and cold temps. The Outer Banks took a hard hit though (about 3 hours from us).

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Glad to know you're safe, Jenn!


Had kids watch an election dvd while I ran to the store. Currently having dd make the gf bread. It's her first run at baking by herself. We'll see how it goes! In a bit I'm going to do my own election homework then go over first part of the Constitution with the kids.


Off to school I go!

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I made it to lunch! I didn't get any housework done yet - not even the breakfast dishes, but the kids got half of their schooling done. We'll do more in the afternoon.


We've been tackling ds' organizational problems. This morning's seminar time was spent going through a stack of papers and organizing them. I had to do that rather than our usual tutorial on Geometry because he had lost half of the Geometry papers that were due last week. He will have to do one paper over because we can't find it but that's not too bad a consequence.


Dd10 who abhors writing has chosen to make a model Viking longboat and a model Viking longhouse. I spent quite a bit of time figuring out how to make a keel that will fit the deck she had cut out and painted. After this I will be more hands-off but figuring out how to do this was challenging even for me and was sure to end in tears and a mess if I had left her to struggle on her own.

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