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Chemistry, 7th grade?


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I'm following TWM curriculum very closely. This year I found out that Smithsonian Microchem XM 5000 is discontinued.:confused: Does anyone have any suggestions that will make a well rounded chemistry course for a year with lots of home friendly experiments? Has SWB given any suggestions?

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offers a good variety of sets. We have the 300 (3000?) I think. My guy likes it, the safety recs are thorough, the manual and variety of experiments is good and he can do much of it without me micromanaging him. I decided to order this for him after discussing the subject with a chem professor and family friend. He happened to have a high school text on his shelf which he gave to my eldest as "supplemental" reading. My kiddo is quite, um, enthusiastic about all things science and reads at about a college freshman level, so YMMV, depending on your child's interest, etc. But, the advice (tailored for my science-loving kid) was this: Read biographies about chemists (Mendeleev and etc.), do good, safe, various experiments, and dabble in whatever level textbooks appropriate for the child. Everything beyond that makes more sense when you have someone who is ready for the math involved in higher level chem. And if they're interested, they'll probably have gleaned as much as they can as a 7th grader from the above and will be ready to weave it into other areas, initiating other bios, extra chem reading, etc. FWIW, there are often decent DVDs on the subject available through the library.


HTH and have fun -- chem is cool. :D

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Try this one instead:




The blurb at the bottom mentions that it is a good, but smaller, replacement for the Microchem Kit. We have it, and it is *very* much advanced over anything Apologia is going to be touching on. I think it must be pretty good, since with the addition of two chemicals, it is everything you need for the Bob Jones High School Chemistry course.




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I looked at all the sugestions very helpful! Hollyday is it necessary to start with Chemistry I in NOEO or can I jump right into II with my kids? They know some chemistry. Also, if I only buy the textbook can I do the course. I have lots of science supplies like PH paper and I can get the books from the library. Am I missing something? $20 seems more in my budget than $120.

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You can jump right into Chem 2. You could do most - if not all - the experiments depending on what you already have at home. I bought several of the books used. I also found them cheaper other places. There is not a "textbook" for Chem 2 like there is for other curriculum houses. There is a Tm which tells you what to read when. Then, there are several books that support the the lesson. The only book that was not a hit for us was 'The Mystery of the Periodic Table". If you have to skip a book - I would suggest skipping that one.

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I second the NOEO recommendation. I am going to use all its level II sciences with my children over the next three years. DS will have them in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. And DD will be in 3rd, 4th and 5th. They seem very adaptable for middle school or younger ages. We can't wait to start :)

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I looked over NOEO a bit more thorooughly and it seems that the experimetns are taken from ADventures with Atoms and Molecules I and the majority of study from The USborne Internet-linked Science Encyclopedia. THis is what WTM suggests for 3rd grade, adn what we alreay did 4 years ago. Is Conceptual Chemistry very complicated? My kiddo is going to be in Algebra II Saxon. Help! I need to buy something soon!

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