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Talked to college boy today:-).

dirty ethel rackham

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Oh happy day. I heard from college boy today. This weekend is my son's 19th birthday, so I sent his birthday gift early to make sure he got it while the mail room was open. He called today to let me know he got the package. He had to ask whose idea was it to send him Harry Potter in Latin. It was mine. I thought he'd enjoy it, plus he has to take a Latin class while he is there because he didn't do well enough on the AP exam to get out of their language requirement. I figured he could use something fun for practice. I also sent him a lovely hardcover copy of the Hobbit (his here was worn and battered) as well as a bed caddy for his bed (since it is lofted and thus, he doesn't have any place to put a water bottle) and a couple of his stuffed animals we found in dd's room (we are decluttering.) He was amused.


Then we had a great discussion on how his classes are going (very well) and what he will be taking next term as registration is coming up very soon. He has matured into such a fine young man. It was such a joy to talk to him - these are rare occasions as he does not call or text me often.


Sniff sniff ... dd and I are seriously decluttering her room. I found a box of pictures that have been there since we moved in - pictures of my boys when they were babies. After feeling very melancholy about missing him, I was tickled pink to hear his voice. Peter Pan boy is all grown up!!

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It sounds as though it was a fun conversation, Ellen.


You may not know that there is a new Latin translation of The Hobbit that came out recently -- Hobbitus Ille: The Latin Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien, translated by Mark Walker. My daughter, the Latin major, will be receiving it as a Christmas gift.





Great minds think alike.:) That was my original plan ... But it appears that the release has been delayed until November 27. So, he will be getting it for Christmas.

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