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Sewing Machine Recommendations Please?

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I am starting to shop for a sewing machine for dd and myself. I come from a long line of seamstresses, and the gene apparently missed me. However, I can do the basics, and would like to be able to quickly hem curtain, sew a duvet cover, make a pillow case, maybe hem a skirt. That's about the extent of my abilities and interest. I have borrowed my mom's Elna in the past. But I don't think I need anything that fancy.


DD10, however, is very interested in all things sewing. She needs a reliable machine that is easy to thread, and doesn't require too much fuss. I'd also like it to be able to handle somewhat heavier fabrics. I'm not looking for something fancy-smancy that can be programmed to stitch artwork, or that can quilt, etc. I just want basic, and super reliable. We had a used machine that was constantly jamming in the bobbin compartment, and was a bear to thread.


Any recommendations?



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1. A higher-quality used machine is better than a lower-quality new machine at the same price.


2. A vintage '70's Singer will do everything you'll need for some time to come and will be less than $100; save the rest of your budget for a serger.


3. Check www.patternreview.com for reviews of specific models (even vintage ones). The site is challenging to navigate, but full of useful info.


4. There are a lot of threads on this topic - a search might be useful as well.




5. Don't buy anything you can't test. Test some that are beyond your budget so you know junk when you see it.


6. Your dd is 10, but she may have this machine (or you may have it) for 20 years to come. Invest in quality.

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I was going to say check patternreview.com as well. I researched there a lot looking for the perfect serger for me. I've never bought a sewing machine (I inherited mine), but am thinking of getting a machine for my girls as well. I've heard good things about the cheap machines at Costco. I have a Europro electronic machine. I got it used (it wasn't used much) and I've put it through 6 yrs of heavy use! Any problems have been user error! Mainly I sometimes don't get thick topstitching thread for jeans in the tension disk properly and it bunches up on the bottom. The reviews on my machine are either wonderful or awful. If you get a good on they are great!


I'd look for a machine that has a needle down function. It stops with the needle down. Very useful and my favorite feature on my machine! It's quite common on modern machines. If your dd seems like she will take off, try to get more machine then she needs right now. A nice buttonhole feature can make or break putting buttons on items. Okay, I still avoid buttons if I can! Such a pain!

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I don't know your price range, but I just bought a Janome Magnolia 7318. It is a pretty basic machine, nothing computerized, and VERY user friendly. Has a diagram for how to thread marked right on the machine. Has a diagram for how to insert the bobbin, right on the machine. Has a diagram of which way to put the spool of thread on the spool holder, right on the machine. Etc. It is about $250 though so maybe a bit high if it is to be more your DD's machine than yours.


It is a fantastic machine, though.

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Most people who have been sewing for any period of time will tell you to find an older machine instead of buying a new one, that the new ones aren't built the same, etc. They may be right. I don't know. I chose to ignore them. I didn't want to search out and test drive older machines. I wanted to buys something new and shiny. I'm pesky like that.


My first machine was the Brother mentioned earlier in the thread, the 6000csi. It was a good little machine. I used it pretty hard for almost 7 years. It did give me some grief now and then. It didn't like heavier fabrics and I didn't need more than a handful of the 60 something stitches it has. In retrospect, I might have bought something even simpler for my first machine. I also wouldn't have bought it from Amazon or WM. I would have bought something solid and simple from a sewing machine dealer. Their support and expertise is worth it.


I got my second this summer, and ADORE it. It's another Brother, the Innovis-40. I bought from a dealer this time, spent some time with it at the store, read a bajilion reviews online, and really, couldn't be happier.

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I'm about at the same level you are. A few years ago my husband bought me a nice, simple Janome. It's called the Threadbanger; it was a special model rolled out for a crafty/sewing blog. I forget the actual model number (I assume the same model is available without the cute Threadbanger stickers on it). If I find it, I'll update my post.


ETA: Model is TB12. Looks like this model does only come in the Threadbanger version. It says that the TB model is "based on a former, popular model."


It seems to be very reliable, and it's easy to use. It's not fancy, but it can do several different types of stitches. A good basic machine for someone like me!

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