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Does it offend other parents if you don't allow your dc to watch movies at

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We're pretty liberal, but it would not bother me if you had a preference for your child to NOT watch those movies. However, if the plan for the evening is to watch horror movies, then I wouldn't want to change my plan solely to accommodate your child, if that makes sense. If it were an event where he could come later or before, great, but that might be awkward since the other kids would probably be discussing the movie. If you opted to bow out because of the content of the evening, we'd probably try to set up alternate plans for a different date.


:iagree: we don't do horror movies here, but my older kids have seen Batman, LoTR, etc. I would try to set something up another time if there had already been plans made outside of just our family.


I am still fairly traumatized from watching Child's Play and Night of the Living Dead as a kid. Seriously like phobic of zombies and dolls. So I would trust my instinct of what is ok for my kids. Some love it, some put On a brave face but are not mature enough.


Sorry about the typos, my ipad is freaking out.

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The voice of the medium, the clown in the closet...*shiver*


One Christmas, my grandmother got me a clown disturbingly similar to the one in the movie. Since G-Ma didn't have much money and rarely gave big gifts, my mother insisted I display the clown in my room. After the first night, it got buried in the bottom of a closed toy box with other toys piled on top of the lid. THAT clown wasn't getting out.

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You either send your child, knowing what will be watched, or you choose to keep him home. You turn down the invite without judgement of the other parent's choices.



My girls have been invited to sleepovers where the mom sent out an email saying "Here's the movie we are considering. If this conflicts with your family's values, please let me know and suggest a potential replacement." When I've gotten notes like that I know the mom won't be offended because she is ASKING for feedback.


However, if it is more of an information note, "We're planning on watching A,B, and C, just so you know...." then I'd keep my child home if it conflicted with what I thought was best for my kids.

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