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My sink is purple

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Dd did something last night and i do not know what. My white sink, in a home we rent, has purple splattered ALL OVER! The only reason she is not up right now explaining is because ds will wake when i walk by his room.


I do not think we had hair dye in the house. I took the sponge and rubbed a little, but it didn't do anything (i need my coffee first).


Anyone want to guess what this is?


Ideas to get it out?


I'm going to have coffee and breathe before getting her up (I'll wake her once ds is up, because i am not waking him!).

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You'd get it at the grocery store. You may want to let the alcohol sit on it a bit; it's more chemical than mechanical action.


Also, if Bon Ami doesn't work for whatever residue may be left, Barkeeper's Friend or Zud cleansers have oxalic acid in them and tend to lift things nicely.

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No daylight in that bathroom. My house doesn't get much direct sun at all, ever. This makes for cooler summers, but very cold winters.


Eta: i have hand sanitizer coated all over the sink so it can sit. I woke her to find out what it was, but i didnt make her get up because that punishes me more than her. She's losing her ipod again because i cant trust her not to stay up late with it :( . I dont like the lack of parental controls on the ipod touch. I may get her a shuffle for just music.

Edited by amo_mea_filiis
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Bleach, Bon Ami, a Mr. Clean Magic Eracer (not all at the same time though.)


Buy some bleach. Fill the sink with hot water and a little bleach and let it sit. The stains should come right out. I have to bleach my sink regularly because it is a stain magnet (especially with coffee). If the Magic Eraser doesn't work on the walls, try baking soda and a little water. It takes sharpee marker off my wood table so it might work on the wall.


ETA: Oh. Just looked at the picture. It's on the counter where you can't exactly bleach it the same. Well, maybe mix bleach and water in a bowl and wipe it with that? Make sure you wear gloves when dealing with bleach--I made that mistake once. Ouch.

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She's up and cleaning. The alcohol/hand sanitizer faded everything but it's still there. When the sink sparkles, i'll have her try the dry erase board cleaner. If that doesn't work, i will use bleach (have to buy).


Now, why is my sink purple? I knew it was youtube related! She attempted to dye her hair, which i couldn't care less about. But her forehead, hands, and my bathroom are stained!


She doesnt understand why she has to clean the entire bathroom. She can think about it while cleaning.

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