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Very silly question about laminating

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Ok. I have a confession to make. I have never laminated anything. And now I am preparing for my pre-K year with dd1 and have a bunch of stuff to laminate but no idea what to do!


Where do I go? Kinko's?


I have some paper dolls and things like that I want to laminate so we can use them all year long. But how do I do it? Do I get the whole page laminated and then cut them out? Will that even work? Or do I cut them out, laminate them, and then cut them out again around the lamination? Sounds like a lot of cutting to me!


Thanks for your help! And please don't make fun of me too badly...I'm already embarrassed!! :blush:

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I have used the laminated sheets from Wal-Mart. You will have a lot of cutting doing it that way, but if you cut out the dolls first then lamnate them, you might be able to get more than one doll out of each laminating sheet. Depending on the size of the doll.


I can't help you with other possibilities such as Kinkos, I have never gone that route. Hopefully someone will be able to help you.

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It will be more flexible and easier to cut out your paper dolls. I think laminating might be too stiff for what you are talking about. Now a map on the wall or something like that I would definitely laminate. I used Kinko's about a month ago to laminate some family cookbook covers and they turned out great and were fairly inexpensive.


Laurie in CA

dd(14) TOG and other stuff

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I have used the no heat laminating pouches before, but I've never cut anything so I don't know how well they hold together. They are expensive and only come in certain sizes and are sometimes difficult to find, but most office supply places have them. That would include Walmart, Kmart and the like, but they are not always in stock. You can even find them on amazon.com. Something that is becoming difficult to find lately is clear shelf paper. It's not as stiff but it works well for certain things. I once made pin the tail on the dalmation game and used the clear shelf paper to laminate it. It rolled up nicely and the girls still pull it out from time to time and play with it, especially when there are little tykes over here playing.

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Check with your local Office Max - last summer, they had FREE laminating for all teachers, including homeschool teachers!




Oooh, wow, I think I'll check this out! Thanks for the tip!


So, it seems that the consensus is to cut everything out, and then try to laminate myself using the do-it-yourself sheets. I don't think I'm quite ready to buy my own machine, although Kay in Cal's looks pretty sweet!!!


With the do-it-at-home sheets, does the lamination stay nice after a lot of use? Does it start peeling off or anything after a while?


Thanks for putting up with all of my questions!

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We call my dad "the laminator" because he loves to laminate things! He has one like Kay's. For bigger projects I use the one at our co-op.


I was an education major...and I called the type of teacher who cared more about coordinating bulletin boards, chore charts and laminating a "laminator." There were teachers in my student-teaching days who kept track of who used how much of her alloted lamination feet and tried to trade for unused lamination rights! To me, there was a certain type of teacher who cared more about the "stuff" of teaching (apple motifs, "2 teach is 2 touch a life 4 ever," teacher stamps "correct and return :) !!!) than they cared about teaching.

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