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Board name change to include more WTM forum members


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My 2 cents: I like the idea of adding "diagnosed or undiagnosed" but I think special needs should remain special needs. Autism, physical disabilities, mental illness, intellectual disabilities, chronic illness, etc. bring up a set of issues that aren't easily summed up just as a difference in learning style. They may include differences in learning style, but there are so many other concerns to discuss as well.


I can accept that :)!

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I glanced over the links provided by the OP, and I *STILL* don't know what a "special learner" is. It sounds like it's being used as a PC euphemism for SN, which is in itself a euphemism for "disabled".


I disagree with you here! The links, if you noticed, had an educational focus and since this forum does also, I thought it might be a good fit.

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Honestly, when I recommend that someone get an evaluation, it is because I think the person has a legitimate concern for their child. In other words, after reading what they have written, I think "If this were my child, I'd be concerned, too." Based on my experience w/my son, I also know that uninformed advice can be very confusing & sometimes damaging to the diagnostic process. In my view it is best that someone get a professional evaluation from a qualified evaluator who will be able to see the broad picture.


You won't hear an argument from me there :)! Not everyone evaluates the poster's situation before posting though. I think it is pretty easy to judge by a person's comments whether suggesting an evaluation right off the bat is a good idea at the time, or not. I can tell by some people's posts that they are looking for that extra push to take action. Others are not.


Not everyone is ready to get an evaluation, but that doesn't mean they don't need to be told it's best if they do so. Those of us who have done this also realize how a valuable a good evaluation can be & want others to have that same information about their child available to them.


No argument here either. I can respect that, actually!

Coming to grips with having a special needs child is a long process. Simply because the person doesn't post here again doesn't mean we've necessarily done anything wrong, it just might mean that they aren't ready to come to the same place of acceptance of a special need.


Now, I never said that anyone did anything wrong. I was just saying that there may be a milder approach that can be followed, depending on the situation.



I think that people need accurate information to process, which is why I think many should have a professional evaluation done.


I strongly feel it depends on the person's situation :)



I've been reading on this board for a few years, and I have seen many of these posts. Perhaps you just aren't recognizing them?


First & foremost, the classical model is based on the stages of development. Many of our children will not progress through those stages of development. If they do, some will do it at a drastically slower rate. Out of necessity, educating these kids looks different, sounds different and feels different.


OK, I can accept that! But... how about going through the stages at an age/ level when the specific child is developmentally ready :)? Isn't that a possible solution also? Is there anything that says that they followed the same ages and stages that we do now, in Ancient times ;)? The classical model has been adapted by those that have written books about it.


SWB's words:


None of these adaptations are “straight from Plato’s mouth,†which makes arguments about the “genuine classical†method somewhat pointless.


found here:




In looking at the overall composition of the sub-forums on this board, you will realize that there are many people who don't educate "by the book." It's ok - the board host has made room for us all.


No argument here either :).


We do allow people to process things. To my knowledge, no one has been "run off" because of where they are in their parenting. I've never thought that the goal of this board was to get a lot of people to be here, but to support the people who are here.


You have to admit though that there are too few regular posters here, which is leading to comments being recycled over and over, without getting a new perspective.


I think it does focus on the educational side of things. It is very difficult to educate a child with special needs, no matter what they are. Some never make it past potty training, and that is education. Some are wondering how kids with dyslexia learn to read & write - that is education. Some are here wondering how to deal with kids who have behavioral issues as a parent and then also how to teach their kids to manage their behavioral issues on their own - that is education. Education isn't always about a four year history cycle or when to teach particular subjects.


Definitely no argument here :)!

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I maintain my previous position, taking out "classical" would make this board not fit the forum. Has anyone noticed the name change on the main page, adding "Home Schooling and Classical Education"? This is the WTM forum and as such it is a proponent of the classical approach :).

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Well, I like special needs myself. I would be concerned that even making that designator a subtitle might make parents with kids with special needs miss the board altogether. I don't know of another homeschooling forum that hosts a special needs board at all. I'd hate to lose the one that specifically does.


I would think things that are mainly about learning styles are actually better served on the broader boards. Then you would get the views of many more people who might have ideas even though they themselves have typically developing children.


My big concerns for my child are much, much bigger than educating him and, instead, are about his special needs. I post those concerns here. When I have a learning question about him (often math approaches) I've found it more helpful to post on the larger forums where I can gain insight from all kinds of parents. I guess I see the strength of this board in the focus on special needs and resources of parents who know that world--diagnosed or not.


I agree with this point on view.


Okay, what about Struggling Learners? Learning Challenges? Learning Difficulties?


I really don't think that those things are the same as a child with Special Needs. I have a son with severe Apraxia, and while he is a struggling learner and faces learning challenges/difficulties, his problem is much larger than that.

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I'm just 'spit balling' ideas, so if no one likes delayed learners as a title, that's fair enough. But there truly is a difference.


If a parent is dealing with Autism or MR, there is a medical diagnosis, and presumably a support network out there; though apparently not much online support in the homeschooling internet community.


But if a parent has a child who is 10 and not reading yet, or has some other difficulty that is less obvious, they are the people I think who need to be directed over here.


Though I would like to propose an alternative name change?


Parents' Forum LD Learning Differences Board.


The terms Learning Disability/ Learning Disorder, become redundant when viewed as a Learning Difference?

My child has a Learning Disorder.

My child has a Learning Difference.

I have a Learning Disability.

I have a Learning Difference.


But who doesn't have a Learning Difference?

A unique set of abilities, to fully realized.


:iagree: I much prefer the term LD to SN.

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