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I found a school for AP exams!

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I know this is no big deal, but it seems as if everytime I have to sign one of my dc up for something with a public school it takes multiple phone calls to get anywhere. Yesterday I called the AP director, he answered his phone, and said, "absolutely" when I asked if my dds could take AP exams at his school. I am just so relieved. This particular school was easy for signing up for the PSAT, too.

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I'm glad it worked out for you! It sounds like you found a school that "gets it" with respect to accomodating homeschoolers for AP tests.


I remember how stressful it was to make the first contact with our local school for AP testing two years ago. The AP coordinator was terrific! Here's the scoop, this schoool LOVES having homeschoolers take the AP tests there because it improves their performance rankings. Apparently they are ranked by the ratio of #AP tests given/# of seniors in the highschool; so administering 20-30 separate tests for homeschoolers gives them the same boost as having one more AP class for their own students!


I know it is a stupid, stupid method of evaluating a school's performance, but it is a win-win for both the school and our homeschooled teens! It's too bad more AP coordinators don't understand this or none of us would have problems finding AP testing centers.

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you found a school that "gets it" with respect to accomodating homeschoolers for AP tests.


So some schools are evaluated on the number of AP exams taken, rather than (in addition to?) scores. Hmm. That might explain some stories I've heard about unprepared or uninterested students being pushed to take tests. Nancy in NJ, do you know if this is a county or state measure in your area? Just curious.


Our AP scores make no difference to the proctoring school, since we use our state's homeschool code. As far as I can tell, other than the $13 proctoring fee for homeschoolers, there's no benefit to schools in my county for making it easy for local homeschoolers to take exams. I guess it comes down to someone at the school having a friendly attitude and being organized.


Our schools are required by law to offer exams to homeschoolers, but some are much easier to work with than others. WT Woodson in Fairfax, VA, gets five stars from me. Their lovely AP Coordinator mailed us a little form with return envelope (which we sent back with our check), made sure to include us in the "fill in the bubbles" session, and even gave us a map so we wouldn't get lost in her great, big school.



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