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How would you celebrate your daughter's 16th birthday?

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DH will be taking DD out for a formal date. Let her experience daddy treating her like a queen. If a boy ever treats her with less respect, then she shouldn't be dating him. She may 'double date' with her cousin and uncle, who are in Atlanta. It's an idea we've had since before she was born.


We planned on doing this for her 13th birthday, though, just to get a taste of the excitement the teen years have in store for her :)

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We go out to eat on everyone's birthday! And....they get to spend 50 dollars on a gift for themselves (which they pick out themselves). I never thought anything magical about turning 16....but that is just me, LOL.



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My daughter turns 16 next month. I am looking for creative ideas in celebrating it and not break the bank. Also, it has to be a one day thing. We will be in central Florida and we will have 10 hours for it.




We had a surpise party. My sister and I spend two days before the party making rice, beans, enchiladas & a taco bar. We invited ALL her friends & family. The food wasn't as much as I thought it would be. We held the party at my step moms - so it was a pool party w/ fun birthday girol trivia games. She was SHOCKED and two years later says it was the best day of her life.

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For our dd 16th Bd, we did a mystery party. It really was fun. I think I still have the box and if I can find it, I'll post the website. They have many that are appropriate for kids.


We did one based on a chocolate company murder (no grisly details) and then the whole party was a chocolate theme set up like a candy shoppe.


The girls had a blast.

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My sister sent out emails/letters to important people in her children's lives and asked them to send a note of encouragement or wisdome or something that would help them as they approach their adult years.

I wish I had done that!


Formal date with Dad sounds awesome!

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A friend of my dds threw the best party for her 16th birthday, a contra dance. They hired a guitar, fiddle and caller team and held the dance outside on their sports court. Oh my, was it ever fun! It was a family affair, so delightful to see everyone dancing--from the toddlers to the teenage boys to easily tired grandpas and energetic grandmas! Even my dancephobic dh danced. My dds still shiver with pleasure when they recall the dance.


We are seriously hoping they are going to make it an annual shindig.:)

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We went through this last week when our youngest daughter turned 16. Our girls considered turning 16 to be a big deal and they all chose how they wanted to celebrate. Our youngest invited half a dozen friends over (none live in our town, they live from 45 minutes to 2 hours away) and they played Apples to Apples, walked to our local ice cream store, and played Wii. It was casual, fun, inexpensive, and what SHE wanted.

I have never attached a picture but if it works, it's of the cake I made for her with her beloved, much waited for cell phone beside it. (We made her wait until she was 16 to get her own cell phone)



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