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Good, old threads on how to decide whether or not to homeschool high school

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I don't know of any threads, but this is how I would approach the question:

Make a list of the pros and cons.

Write down the reasons you are considering homeschooling (are you currently homeschooling? Why?)

Write down the reasons you are unsure this is the right decision.

what would be the advantages?

What would be the disadvantages?

Will you be able to provider the coursework your high schooler needs?

Would you have access to outside resources to help you supplement what you do at home?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the school you would be considering?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of your homeschool?

Is there anything about homeschooling school would not be able to offer at all?

Is there anything about school homeschooling would not be able to offer at all?

What does my student want to do?


Then I'd go over the list with my student and decide.

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