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Situation solved for a while, still need to get it out.

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Ds's last "theraputic staff support" person said so much carp, that even though she was fired weeks ago, i still need to vent. This type of support is supposed to aid me in meeting ds's goals, not change anything, and they dont have the background to do more than assist me. This is also a person who can sit and play a game with him while i help dd with things. It gives me a moment to look away from ds without worry.


She was here 2 hours a day, 3 days a week, for 4 weeks.


On the first day she asked (multiple times) why he's not on medication. On day 2 (so after "knowing" my kid for about 3 hours) has the nerve to tell me that she "really thinks there is something going on with him and maybe he should see the psychiatrist again for a diagnosis and meds." This is a kid with numerous diagnoses on file and in his plan that she is supposed to read before meeting him.


Ds needed a neb treatment. He can set up anywhere he'd like, and has been doing this for 7 years 5 months. "Well I think he should sit at the table and read while he takes his treatment." *I* got a lecture during the entire 10 minute treatment.


Her job is ds. Dd was writing a paper on her favorite anime episode. Tss looks over dd's shoulder and makes her change some that was perfectly fine (i was upstairs with ds). She also pointed out 3 spelling errors! The whole point of the paper was to work with dd on spelling.


Ds was quietly sitting outside, alone, with a stick and his pocket knife (itty bitty pocket knife). She saw him and yelled at him for stealing things from me, and told him not to lie when he said it was his. I heard (she was just getting here and i was in the kitchen) and went out to talk to her. She said that while she's here, he is not to touch a knife of any kind! I told her that since i allowed the pocket knife, and we're at my home, he will be allowed to use it. I also had to remind her that my house is not a school, nor will we do things differently when her or any of the mobile therapists are here.


She got really nasty with him when he picked his nose then stuck his finger in his mouth.


Then of course i got all the homeschooling questions; where do you get your books? Who gives the list of approved books? Who tests them? Who do you see to get permission to take them out of school?


She asked ds if he had school one day. He said yes, we have school almost every day. She asked to see his math. He said he didn't have a picture of it. She asked to see his social studies, he looked at her like she had 4 heads (we dont do social studies). She went through the "normal" subjects, some of which dont do or call something else. So she asked him what he did do. He happily talked about (he had a conversation!!!) how we went on a hike to star and wrote some math problems in the dirt, looked at the main part of town from the cliff and drew a map, collected leaves on the way up and down, and looked for bugs. When we got home, he practiced signing with dd. When he fished talking in a way that his speech therapist would have thrown him a party, she said "that's not school. That's something you do on the weekends after you go to school and do real school work." This is when i jumped and told her that she must have had a long day, so she should leave early to go home and rest.


While at the park, she told him to get off his bike because he was riding too close to the road. I jumped in and said that he knows the limits and if he attempts to push my rules, the bike gets put away.


One evening she was here at dinner time. She suggested that he fights food because we dont all sit down together. Ds was sitting quietly with a movie at the table while dd and i were working on math. This happens once in a while. But he was SITTING at the table and EATING when she commented!


I put up with her way longer than i should have because i had already decided, before meeting her, that if she didnt work out, i was not requesting another TSS.


Vent over. I am just so tired of working with other people. Dd's therapist will be here later today. So far, she's not too bad.

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Ugg--how frustrating!! No wonder you needed to vent! Glad you can take a deep breath and move on. Maybe you taught her a thing or two--but I doubt it. People like that are often thick as a brick. :grouphug:


No kidding! I was reading along and thinking how unhelpful it is to have another kid (and a poorly behaved one at that) to babysit and constantly correct and redirect, instead of a staff person to be there to support you. Good grief!

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:grouphug: Is there any way you can request certain parameters in the person that takes this person's place? Like homeschool knowledgeable and kind to children.


My reqiurements have always been active (not afraid to walk to the park), willing to work with an unmedicated and homeschooled boy, and willing to understand and accept, at a minimum, that he has a language delay. I have also requested people that will not "take it personal" when he curses.


Our summer tss was great! She was very hard of hearing (used hearing aids) so ds understood that he had to look at her when he spoke. She didn't care when he cursed, and it was never directed at her. She loved walking with him while he was on his bike. She never intervened in his "projects" unless it was dangerous. She played candy land with him, and happily accepted one word answers from him. She also had no problems sitting and watching signing time and learning with him. Sadly, she works at a school out of state during the school year. She doesnt have enough time to work with home kids.


The other good tss we had was a speech pathologist. She was a tss for a few extra $$. She was the only one to get real answers out of him.

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