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Pinterest is a drug?

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I must say, pinterest is like a drug; way nice to unplug there. Can I get a witness?


Will be camping out there tonight. The family can have toast for dinner for all I care.


Oh wait, we don't have any bread.


Does anyone have a recipe on how to turn say...dryer lint into a tasty casserole?




search: pinterest, dryer lint: http://pinterest.com/search/?q=dryer+lint

Edited by one*mom
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lol. I just got off of there :D..I have to limit myself to looking at one full page and then go do something else...but right now I'm into updating this little house of mine one room (ok, it's actually two rooms) at a time. I am seriously stocking up on the ideas! Now it's off to go put this goopy stuff on my bathrooms cabinets and drawers so that I can get ready to paint them! So excited to see how they turn out...

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I'm busy picking out geraniums for my imaginary porch for an imaginary move...pathetic, huh?


Oh well.


If anyone sees a great pin for butter bean recipes, holler..I'm thinking I need to learn to cook Southern classic dishes.


Ikea DIY has some cool stuff. Tried Pier one, came up flat though- nothing really good.


What search terms keep you guys busy on there? I need an ocean to swim in.

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