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need to vent re: selling house

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okay I have not mentioned in a while selling my house but I need to vent. On Monday an older couple knocked on my door and asked if they could see inside my house. Said they were driving by and saw the for sale sign. Now normally I would tell someone that they would have to call my realtor. But it was after working hours and all my neighbors were out and about in their yards and all my windows were open and they were such a nice older couple so I said okay. They loved everything about the house, even my cats. The looked everywhere (with me with them) and walked all around in the back yard. The husband asked me how soon we could move, how much time we needed etc. They asked for my realtor's name and phone number. He has not heard from them. What was this? Did they just want to see my house with no intention of buying or what? They did not flinch at the price.


p.s. our best friends sold their house from this exact same thing happening to them.

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I did that once, but it was a home for sale by owner.


For me it was a "this house could work, I like it!" moment but .... there's also that scary "what am I missing out on, what else is newly on the market" feeling. I needed to go through our other options (some of which I had scheduled to see for the upcoming weekend) to be really sure. ETA: I did end up buying it. It was overpriced and while I loved it and didn't flinch when they mentioned the price, I knew I wouldn't pay that. I waited them out, and only then did I bring in my realtor. They listed in June; I bought the following April.


Hopefully you'll hear from them soon - maybe they have to crunch the numbers, or check with their own realtor if their home is in contract or for sale. But maybe they're just starting their search, and your home was a good opportunity for them to see what's out there without calling up a realtor who'd want them to search in earnest. And that stinks for you, but it happens.

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It's only Wednesday and this happened 2 days ago? I would be more upset if it was a week later and still nothing. Perhaps they want get everything ready to go at the bank, or tell their family, or or or....


I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time with your house! :grouphug:


Anyone who is interested will be back in touch in 48 hours, in my experience.


I'm sorry. Sounds like they were just lookers.

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That must be disappointing for you!


But it's not uncommon, and can happen for all kinds of reasons. Wife loves it, husband says no. Vice versa. They quite like it but exaggerate because they think that's being nice to you. They aren't interested at all but feel it's polite to pretend they are, especially since you've taken the trouble to show them through yourself. They loved it at the time but later thought of some issues that would be a problem for them. They liked it quite a lot but fell head over heels in love with the next place they viewed. They wanted to go ahead and make an offer but don't have their finances sorted. They just thought it would be fun to look and didn't think of your feelings. They are nursing home escapees reliving their younger days. Their dog had puppies and they're really busy and will phone tomorrow.


Probably best to try and forget about them (easier said than done, I know), then it will be a nice surprise if they do make contact.

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I had it happen to me. I figure it is just part of it. One young couple with a cute little boy spent over an hour looking at my house, oooh and awwing over it and arranging their furniture and telling me about interest rates and all of that. They looked on a Sunday afternoon and said they would be calling their loan officer the next day. Later in the week I called them and they didn't answer. A few days later they at least texted me and said, 'sorry we found another house.'


I don't know if that was true or not....I sort of felt like they had a financing problem. But oh well. They have the right to look and not buy for whatever reason.

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It would be really hard to look at someone's home and not say nice things to them.


Thankfully, the selling part is behind us, but if you would please come to northern virginia and say that to prospective buyers, you would be doing a great public service.;)


And, we had one couple last year around labor day who I finally had to ban from our house. They would come and sit for one or two hours. Go away, come back. Tell our agent they were thinking about it. Come back. Sit for two more hours. They had done this three times without an offer and I told our agent they were no longer allowed in my home without a ratified contract.


we never heard from them again.


When people want to buy your house, and they are in a position to do so (and if they are not they shouldn't be looking), they jump on it. Our buyers did it with our house, and we did it with this house. In fact, I cannot think of a single home I have sold in many years where that has NOT been the case.

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Mariann, that is one of the strangest things I have heard regarding house selling. Sitting in your house for a couple of hours several times. How odd.


I tend to agree with you that people jump on a house if they really want it .I was pretty sure that this couple wanted our house. They just seemed to love it, looked everywhere even outside garage and spent a lot of time in our backyard, drove up and down the street, etc. Oh well, disappointment.


They were the first people to see our house with most of the remodeling done, they loved the colors that we redid the house so hopefully that is a good sign for future propective buyers. We painted our rooms in very airy, seashorey colors with simple off white Ikea furniture. House now looks like a very seashore house.

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Mariann, that is one of the strangest things I have heard regarding house selling. Sitting in your house for a couple of hours several times. How odd.


I tend to agree with you that people jump on a house if they really want it .I was pretty sure that this couple wanted our house. They just seemed to love it, looked everywhere even outside garage and spent a lot of time in our backyard, drove up and down the street, etc. Oh well, disappointment.


They were the first people to see our house with most of the remodeling done, they loved the colors that we redid the house so hopefully that is a good sign for future propective buyers. We painted our rooms in very airy, seashorey colors with simple off white Ikea furniture. House now looks like a very seashore house.


You have done the right thing. We tried to sell our house (corner of West Avenue and 42nd Street) - it's still there - with not beachy interior. BIG MISTAKE.


We re-did everything - furniture wise -- went to Ikea and Pier One and who knows where else and made everything vacation-like and it worked.


Hang in there -- some folks right now are hesitant because of the november election, but with this gorgeous weather, it can only help!:grouphug:

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