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AAS, FLL, and WWE for first grade?


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For first grade language arts, we used: Abeka Phonics, AAS, WWE, FLL, HWOT, and SL readers.


OPGTR, AAS, WWE, FLL is fine. I wouldn't drop phonics (OPGTR), and I would be sure you don't need handwriting at that age. Also be sure to have readers and read alouds and you should be good. :)


However, if you are almost done with OPGTR, you might consider dropping AAS until you finish if you need to keep it simple. Whether or not it is too much really depends on you and your child.

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These things all target different areas of LA, and like a pp said, you might want to consider a handwriting program too.


I remember seeing somewhere, but where exactly I don't remember that they suggest not beginning a spelling program until lesson 115 in OPGtR and not beginning FLL until you reach lesson 140 in OPGtR.

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For first grade language arts, we used: Abeka Phonics, AAS, WWE, FLL, HWOT, and SL readers.


OPGTR, AAS, WWE, FLL is fine. I wouldn't drop phonics (OPGTR), and I would be sure you don't need handwriting at that age. Also be sure to have readers and read alouds and you should be good. :)


However, if you are almost done with OPGTR, you might consider dropping AAS until you finish if you need to keep it simple. Whether or not it is too much really depends on you and your child.


I agree, couldn't have said it better myself!

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Would these three together make a complete LA program for 1st grade? Are all 3 needed or would they be overkill? Thanks!!


This is exactly what we did last year, and it worked beautifully. My youngest was a great reader at the beginning of the year, but didn't have the confidence to write and spell. By the end of the year, he was spelling and writing confidently.

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We did FLL, WWE and OPGTR for 1st, 2nd, and now 3rd grade.


We recently added AAS (in 3rd grade) and I wish we'd added it sooner. But we are flying through it so I guess we'll make up for it by going faster.


We also use McGuffey readers. I like having a daily reading lesson that's harder than OPGTR.


With handwriting I found the combo to be complete. For that we used HWOT and I didn't like it so we've switched to Z-B this year and it's much better for us.

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I used that combo in first grade. I think you could combine your K'er in FLL1. It's really pretty simple and has almost no writing involved (what writing is involved is completely optional). I would definitely hold off on WWE for the K'er, as you already recognized. :)


We dropped separate phonics when doing AAS, BUT my son was reading at a 4th grade level, and once he learned syllabication in AAS, his reading shot up multiple grade levels more, so clearly he didn't need phonics for reading at that point. :tongue_smilie: He definitely needed phonics for spelling though, and AAS worked well for that.


Oh, and you mentioned "getting FLL" for your K'er. FLL1 is non-consumable. It's just a teacher's manual. So get one copy, let the K'er sit in on lessons. If the child isn't ready, you can drop it for him and continue with the first grader. FLL1 is done orally, and they don't even have to be able to read in order to do it. It also involves more poetry memorization and such rather than lots of heavy grammar. Most of the grammar in there is learning about common vs. proper nouns... 45 lessons of them. :001_huh:

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Would these three together make a complete LA program for 1st grade? Are all 3 needed or would they be overkill? Thanks!!


that is what we use too for 1st grade and will continue it... i don't do all the dictation in the spelling i pick one sentence for example (AAS level 2)


love the combo


but we also do reading and handwriting too... and some verbal vocabulary cards

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