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Our first real year..advice


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This will be our first real year with ALL the curriculum. I've done things here and there to test out since he was 4 but just casually.


So he just turned 6 a few months ago and I'm calling it first grade. I experimented with MBtP but found out why people use it as a supplement.


Anyhow, I'm not sure what my sons reaction will be with all these subjects. I wrote them down and explained it. As of now he still spends a majority of his free time doing Legos and reading his own choice of books. I do read alouds and about 30 minutes of MBtP.


Is there anything special that you do to introduce their first real year ? I will probably do 1/2 of the subjects the first week and then add the others for both our sakes the next week.


Also, after I list what we are doing, I was curious to find out how long a day might take if you've done a similar load.


SL Core B+C with 3rd grade readers (he can read at 5th grade level but doesn't choose those books because of a lack of pictures so I thought this would be a good intro to real chapter books)


FLL (I know it will be super easy for him but I thought it would be a light intro for our first schooling year and then move on to R&S or MCT)


AAS level 2 (we completed most of level 1 when he was 4 , but he got bored of it so I stopped)


MBtP for science 1 or 2x/week


Math, our toughest subject so far , he has lots of trouble with missing addends. He just adds or subtracts the numbers he sees with out regard to what is being asked. He loves story problems and can do division in story problems. We've used CLE and it went too fast with the spiral and MM is driving me crazy with all the dots. My husband is very mathy and wants to use Singapore. We haven't bought it yet, still using "Dots".



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Good Luck! I don't have any specific advice. I have 3 kiddos and each has done it their own way. Start slow and watch how your child reacts. Follow their learning style. Just because everyone says some curriculum is the best, doesn't mean it will be for your child. I think we have all made that mistake. I like my kids to be allowed to make many decisions about their books. Others here may have different viewpoints of that. Don't worry too much when you have a bad day- we have all been there! I think your load looks fine.

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We're in our first "real" year too, so I can't actually give any advice, but I wanted to say that your plan looks great! FLL is absolutely perfect. I don't know how else to describe it. We started math and language arts in July, and science and a few other odds and ends last week. Easing in has worked well, so far. :)

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No advice for you, Roanna, but wanted to comment because we have kids of similar ages and we are just officially beginning, too. :) We are also trying out MBtP, but it's only mildly engaging to him so far.


My DS is mathy and still learning to read, so for the summer we focused on phonics with math as a reward. We are doing Life of Fred now, and plan to add Beast Academy or Singapore once I am happy with his reading progress.


Last week was our first full week, and we did something new each day but not necessarily the full routine. This week I plan to do at least as much as we did last week along with 2 new outside activities. I am trying to figure out what the best schedule is.


I look forward to hearing what others have to say and how things are going with you. :)

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It sounds silly , but I've never had to push him to do anything because he's been advanced in things that other kids should be learning, he just got. But now I will be introducing all these subjects that he may not really want to do.


I was raised by a drill instructor type of mother so I know HOW to get things done but I've just never had to say "you need to learn this". Silly I know.

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Is is our first official year with dd6 and we report to the state!


Most of what we do is in my signature. This year, I'm focusing more on handwriting and reading (dd can read but is very reclutant). I only plan on doing US History once a week and science 2-3 times a week when the weather turns colder and we are stuck inside.


The girls have been doing art every day and have been painting. They also listen to music while painting so I mark that down as both art and music (required).

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It sounds silly , but I've never had to push him to do anything because he's been advanced in things that other kids should be learning, he just got. But now I will be introducing all these subjects that he may not really want to do.


I was raised by a drill instructor type of mother so I know HOW to get things done but I've just never had to say "you need to learn this". Silly I know.

So far, my boys have been at least a little excited about each new subject we've started. Instead of just giving them a list of subjects we're going to be doing, I've been introducing them more like "I have a surprise for you tomorrow! No, I can't tell you what it is, or it won't be a surprise! It's no use asking your dad, even he doesn't know. You really want to know what it is? Okay, I guess I can tell you, but don't tell your brother. Tomorrow, we're going to do Science!" :D

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So far, my boys have been at least a little excited about each new subject we've started. Instead of just giving them a list of subjects we're going to be doing, I've been introducing them more like "I have a surprise for you tomorrow! No, I can't tell you what it is, or it won't be a surprise! It's no use asking your dad, even he doesn't know. You really want to know what it is? Okay, I guess I can tell you, but don't tell your brother. Tomorrow, we're going to do Science!" :D


This is brilliant. Thanks! :001_smile:

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Math-wise, have you looked at MEP? I'd give that a whirl before Singapore, esp. if you can tolerate a great program that "looks" a little different.


First-year wise: you sound set! mainly, I just survived our first year (this is the second) and jettisoned all my plans for the reality of my sweet, intense, clever, incredibly temperamental little fellow. This year the plans are more realistic (Ambleside-online based, which works well for him) but the reality is still kicking me in the tushie ...

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