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HOD Ressurection to Reformation ??


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I'm really struggling with day to day planning with school for my three kids, 4th, 3rd and 1st. Would Heart of Dakota Ressurection to Reformation be too hard for my older two girls? They have done SOTW 1, FLL2 and IEW SWI 1. They have other science and use TT and LOF for math. Any thoughts? I do think I"m going to start my 3 year old with LHTH next year. I have all these great plans in my head and on paper but the daily, actually get it done plan is hard for me.


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Yes. It would be WAY too hard for them. With HOD you do not place by time period but by skill level. The Heart of Dakota website has a chart to figure out where they would place.


I would put both of them in Bigger (American history) or Preparing (world history overview) depending on where the youngest one places. The older can use either program. I would lean toward putting both of them in Bigger, though, so that the third grader doesn't get to those older guides too young.

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Do you add anything to your day? like more writing or foreign language? There are things I don't want to give up. oh, goodness. I wish I could just decide. I already have SOTW2 with guide, and Write Through History. I just feel like days should be smoother. Its probably just me being OCD.

Thanks ladies.

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Well, maybe it would be just as simple to continue on with SOTW 2 ? I'm not familiar with Write Through History (I think I've heard of it - but can't remember if it's notebooking or copywork or what), but you could just schedule it as if it were a separate subject - don't worry about lining it up and just let them make their own connections. Don't know if that helps, but imho, jumping from SOTW to a boxed curriculum is not going to make things easier (ask me how I know, LOL).

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You are probably right. I did lots of reading about style and methods over the summer and made choices based on that. I know I just need to trust my choices and wait out the first few weeks of general craziness and let us all settle in to a routine. I really like the look of HOD but its hard to change in the middle of a cycle when the two cycles are completely different (i.e. SOTW and HOD). Thanks for the input. Do you use HOD? and have you used SOTW? Which do you like better?

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I've used both and LOVE HOD because it's all laid out for us and te older guides are written to the kids for them to follow through on their own. HOD really is super easy to implement with little to no prep from me. I do add my own writing program (IEW) and some time travelers because it fun and the kids like it. We also do our own math (MUS). But truly you can use it as written and it's enough and gets done every. Single. Day. You would also have no problem adding foreign language if you wanted to, just be sure to do it each day! HOD is Charlotte Mason style while SOTW is more classical so you really are comparing apples to oranges.

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RTR would be WAAAAY to hard! I just started it this week with my 6th and 7th graders, and have pretty much decided it's just too much to handle with my demanding 2-year old. :( I do love HOD, though! I would look at their chart and find a different program. I have used Bigger and Beyond and Preparing....all great programs!

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:iagree: I think you should try Bigger. I have 3 kids doing Preparing this year and for ds9 (4th grade) it has been great, but has stretched his skills at working independently. I personally miss the amount of read-aloud time that we had in the past with MFW and SL, so I have added in read-alouds from SL that we owned already. I could have chosen to just read the I or S (independent and semi-independent) work out loud, but I do like them working independently a bit (I think!). We added hymn study for all and additional handwriting for ds9 and will probably add Latin. I own it already but haven't begun that yet.

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You COULD do HOD RtR with your kids but you would read to them, do the projects with them, write their narrations as they say them, etc. it really wouldn't be a problem. All or most of the books used are multi age anyway so younger children wouldn't have a problem listening to them with ease. HOD is skill based but if that isn't your concern then just use it and read it to your dc instead. It would be really fun to do it that way! I was going to do this this year but decided not to because I wanted my oldest to be independent and if we did it together I would be holding her back. The only thin I would sub is their own level of math reading English and writing (perhaps a level A item from IEW instead of medieval).

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