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What are your favorite books/resources for going Paleo/Primal?

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We started eating HFLC almost 2 weeks ago and feel so much better...we want to continue. I could really use some resources on what to eat...recipe books or websites would be great. I was wondering what your favorite go-to resources are? Our youngest was carb addicted like myself, but being only 5 he is not enjoying this change. He has always been our picky eater, so I need to find more foods that he will eat and enjoy while keeping him from searching the pantry for crackers or cereal that he will no longer find.


I checked out Primal Blueprint, Wheat Belly, and the New Atkins for a New You books from the library and am currently wading my way through them.


It would be great to get ideas from others though! :001_smile:


Thank you!

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Our very favorite Paleo cookbook here is "Make It Paleo". The other two we have and use in every menu rotation are "Paleo Comfort Foods" and "Well Fed: Paleo Recipes for People Who Love to Eat". (BTW, I linked to Amazon for ease there; not affiliate links or anything).


I've got too many blogs bookmarked to list here, for sure! But here are a couple of good aggregating websites:


The Foodee Project

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There's Eat Like a Dinosaur, which is kid- and family-friendly. My kid is pretty carb-addicted, too, so I've eliminated gluten at home for her, but still let her have oatmeal and rice. She doesn't eat much meat - although she does eat jerky :confused: - I love it myself, but why doesn't she eat a piece of chicken, for Pete's sake?!! - eats some dairy like yogurt and milk in her oatmeal, and lots of veggies and fruit. She's always been in the 5th percentile for weight and the 50th for height, but she keeps on her own curve. It's hard to change their habits, but it's worth doing what you can. :grouphug:


And I agree with MamaKim's recommendations, too, BTW - all of those are great books!

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Michelle, I'm doing LCHF - not paleo, primal or any of that (because I have to stay VERY low carb).

Here are the books that I have:


Low-Carbing Among Friends vol. 1

Low-Carbing Among Friends vol. 2

The Low-Carb Gourmet by Karen Barnaby

The Art of Eating Healthy by Maria Emmerich

Nutritious and Delicious by Maria Emmerich

Paleo Comfort Foods by Mayfied (haven't tried anything out of this yet, but it was at Costco and I couldn't resist)


My favorite websites and blogs for recipes (This is where I find most of my recipes. I check all of these several times a week for new recipes):



















The mariahealth.blogspot has a lot of kid-oriented recipes. She also has a kid's cookbook. I have 2 of her cookbooks (listed above).

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