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School Room is not done, but...


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We are starting anyway.

I had a vision of everything being perfect and in its place.

I wanted a neat little learning environment for my girls.

Well, life happens and I worked more often than not this summer to be off during the school year.

I chose to forego a teaching career to stay at home and educate my own children, so I now work in a daycare making just shy of $8 an hour to supplement our income.


It's okay though. It's more than okay.

God gave me these precious children and I feel so called to be at home with them. I want to teach them myself and watch the light bulbs click on.

With that said, we're starting next week-maybe even this weekend.


I've been through our curriculum and I think it will be a perfect fit.

MFW K, MUS Primer, ETC Primers as we have time and HWOT pre-k (recommended by OT). I'm ready to start this journey and no longer worry about things being perfect. I just want to live life and enjoy my children. :001_smile:

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We are starting anyway.

I had a vision of everything being perfect and in its place.

I wanted a neat little learning environment for my girls.

Well, life happens...I just want to live life and enjoy my children. :001_smile:


Yes, life happens. I've homeschooled for 12+ years and have never had (or wanted, to be honest) a school room. But I did expect, with all my years of experience, to be ready to start school on time. And yet I'm not, thanks to learning that my husband has third stage melanoma cancer. The curve balls come and you put everything in context, recognizing that a perfect little learning environment isn't the goal. As you said, live life and enjoy your children. Everyone says the years go by way too fast ~ and it's true!:)

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Yes, life happens. I've homeschooled for 12+ years and have never had (or wanted, to be honest) a school room. But I did expect, with all my years of experience, to be ready to start school on time. And yet I'm not, thanks to learning that my husband has third stage melanoma cancer. The curve balls come and you put everything in context, recognizing that a perfect little learning environment isn't the goal. As you said, live life and enjoy your children. Everyone says the years go by way too fast ~ and it's true!:)


Many :grouphug:'s to you...

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Yes, life happens. I've homeschooled for 12+ years and have never had (or wanted, to be honest) a school room. But I did expect, with all my years of experience, to be ready to start school on time. And yet I'm not, thanks to learning that my husband has third stage melanoma cancer. The curve balls come and you put everything in context, recognizing that a perfect little learning environment isn't the goal. As you said, live life and enjoy your children. Everyone says the years go by way too fast ~ and it's true!:)



Colleen, you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. :grouphug:

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I too had to let go of my career in order to stay home with the kiddos to homeschool. I tried to do both, but have come to a place where I had to choose one or the other. I am now making pizzas at a convenience store part-time @ $8 an hour to supplement the household income. My options were to let my career go, or let my kids go......to public school. It really shouldn't matter, but seeing your post makes me feel a little less crazy for letting my career go. I am thankful my husband supports me in my decision, even though it is a financial stress, but sometimes I need someone else to say "It's OK"


Our room isn't finished --it's a big job. We're doing school in the living room. They have a very small table where they sit and I sit on the floor. It's working fine, school is getting done, and I have decided "It's OK". We're all happy with our day and the kids are excited about the things they're learning.

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Yup...our school room isn't done either. We had plans for this year....big ones. But then DH broke his leg, our budget is blown out of the water and everything has remained status quo since the accident in February.


Oh well. We did manage to get the classroom painted, a closet built (but no shelves just yet) and the chalkboard and map up. So we're going to get started anyways and make do with what we've got. :-)


Cheers to a good school year!

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Yes, life happens. I've homeschooled for 12+ years and have never had (or wanted, to be honest) a school room. But I did expect, with all my years of experience, to be ready to start school on time. And yet I'm not, thanks to learning that my husband has third stage melanoma cancer. The curve balls come and you put everything in context, recognizing that a perfect little learning environment isn't the goal. As you said, live life and enjoy your children. Everyone says the years go by way too fast ~ and it's true!:)



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Good luck to you! I have had everything just so other years, but we've moved houses three times since we started homeschooling...puts a dent in the perfection. This time, I'm digging through boxes for books on the Middle Ages, and the floor-to-ceiling bookshelves that will allow me to unpack everything are getting built on Labor Day weekend, but will probably not be done when we start school on Tuesday. It will be OK anyway. Can't wait to hear how it goes!

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We finally started today and it went wonderfully!

We did MUS primer in my bed. Lol!

DD loved using the blocks and flew threw all the exercises for lesson 1.

She honestly didn't want to stop. :lol:


A little later we did the first days exercises for HWOT pre-k.

We basically introduced the wood pieces and their names and did 3 ofth songs from the CD. My girls loved this and I totally suggest following the lesson plans in the teacher's manual!


After a small break, we did days 1 and 2 of MFW K.

It worked out nicely to combine two days since we missed yesterday.


Through all of this, my almost 3 year old played with math blocks, did the HWOT activities, and did the art work for MFW. I really think these programs are a perfect fit for us. My oldest daughter had to Shoah the songs for daddy again too. <3

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