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Si there IS a FB app to see who is checking your profile?!

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This is the website http://apps.facebook.com/baby_dashd/



It automatically switches to another website which has me :confused: facebook.com/GeneFlixersblitz. :confused:


A friend of mine says she uses this. I confirmed this in a message to her.




Anyone use this?


I don't know if there is an app, but one of my friends must have been hacked or something because she's been posting this daily:


WOW I cant believe that you can see who is viewing your Profile!

I just saw My Top 10 Profile and Photo Peekers and I am SHOCKED!!


:001_huh: Of course, if you just click the link, you too can see who checks your profile. Mmmm hmmm.

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I also thought that all of those things were scams. That was the thing about FB when it first came out -- Myspace had all of those profile trackers but FB promised that no one would ever know that you were looking at their page.


I don't really get it anyway. I don't care if the people on my friend list look at my page a dozen times per day. Whatever. If I were that concerned about it then I just wouldn't have a FB page.

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Yes, there are robo-hacking programs for fb passwords same as for many other sites that use passwords. That's why you are advised to regularly change passwords.


I can't imagine having a conversation with an actual hacker, though! That's usually the kid or brother or sister of the person who walks away from the computer without signing out of the fb account. Take care when using fb at the library - forget to sign out there and who knows what will show up in your news feed! (PP - of course I believe your conversation with a hacker happened - I'm just saying something like that would totally freak me out!)


Anyway, the app OP asks about has been discussed by fb administrators many times. As I last heard, fb neither offers nor condones such an app. I have read statements from fb saying their protection of user privacy is foremost.


I just wonder which number is greater - people wanting such an app versus people sincerely hoping they don't get busted via such an app!

Edited by Seasider
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I personally think it was a friend, but Quiet Man kept insisting he never checked his Facebook at a friends house. Granted, the conversation was I ask a question, they would respond yes and add a link for something I could get an awesome deal on. I still can't believe I passed up an Ipod for $40! :lol:

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