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Home Ec?

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I plan to teach Home Ec. It will be called "4H" for us. The final will be held late July each year, at county fair time.




Bravo for all you have taught your young man! I can only hope that my girls know as much by the time they are 13!!!


How about Consumer Economics? That was part of our Home Ec in Middle School.


--how to write a check (You'd be surprised how many don't know!)


--how to keep a budget


--how to balance a checking account


--how to save for a rainy day (10, 15, or 20% of income gets paid to savings FIRST!!!) Sooner or later, it always rains; and even in the desert it floods!


--how to save for big ticket items


--online banking???


--how to protect against identity theft (If someone telephones to ask for your SSN or bank account number, HANG UP!!!)


--being safe online


--how (car and health) insurance works


--how taxes work (payroll tax, sales tax, social security, history and why, what is paid by employer, and why there are different tax rates for different levels of income).


--how OSHA works in the workplace, and why


--how worker's comp (for workplace injury) works, and why

(This one I especially wish I had known as a young adult. When I had a major burn from a workplace accident, my own father was so pro-management, he wouldn't give me heads up that I could actually get medical care instead of wrapping it in a rag while continuing to work, and hoping that it didn't get infected. You don't want that for your child.)


--sexual harassment in the work/schoolplace (Again, as the generation before Anita Hill, "things I wish I had known." Likewise, I have male friends who "didn't mean any harm," but used bad judgment and lost jobs over sexual harassment. We don't want that for your young man.)

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Home safety. Things like preparations for emergencies in the home, the location of water and electric cutoffs and when these need to be accessed, what to do and how to plan for a fire (or flood, tornado, Earthquake, hurricane, etc. as relevant to where you live) or evacuation.

Home maintenance--things like changing the ac filter, inspecting the home for energy and water leaks, etc., and doing simple repairs like unclogging the toilet, weatherstripping doors, etc.


Planning/management of all this stuff.


Insurance, what it's for, etc. No one explained insurance to me and I had a heck of a time figuring out private insurance when I finally had my own. Taking charge of his own health care (setting doctor appointments, recognizing when he needs to go to the doctor, for sick or well checks etc.) Stuff about mortgages and leases.

Edited by Ravin
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Thank you for all of the suggestions! I really appreciate it!


He is already learning about car repair and maintenance along with home repair and maintenance through my husband b/c he does all of those, and Greyson is usually right up in it with him. He also helps with yard maintenance.


We'll have to start working on the other stuff you all suggested. Thanks!

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