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Phonics Road if they already read?


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It is less about reading, in my opinion, and more about solidifying the rules of spelling and grammar. I have backed up my oldest and she will be completing 3 and going into 4 and she is in 7th grade. I realized she didn't have the rules for spelling and wanted to review and get the grammar at the same time.

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I use Spalding and the knockoffs for everything BUT reading :lol: That's a bit of an exaggeration, but I consider the OG/Spalding methods to be a spelling curriculum. I've never tried to use them to teach a student early reading skills.


During "spelling" I tend to cover a lot of skills from handwriting to grammar to sentence composition to dictionary skills to proper pronunciation and vocabulary. Yes, better reading is a by product, but it's not what I am focusing on. I'm focusing on writing not reading. I've been using the newer eclectic version of McGuffey's for "reading".

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Thanks! I was wondering if that was the case. I don't have my heart set on Phonics Road at this point but I also didn't want to spend money on a program that wasn't going to benefit us, ya know? I'll make sure I keep my eyes peeled for those kinds of programs now. :)

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I do not use it to teach reading either. I ran my oldest DD through Level 1-4 to remediate her spelling. My twins and oldest DS completed AAS1 and part of AAS2 before switching over and this is the pattern that I will follow with my youngest DS.


I bought Level 1 and Level 2 used for about $160.

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It's strange because at first I thought that PR wasn't so great for teaching reading when I was in the thick of it with my now 7 year old. However, after going through PR 1, and seeing how much my dd has progressed in her reading without using any other "reading" program, I see now how PR served us well in that regard.


In fact, I recently bought AAR 1 (we used the Pre-level which is just learning the letters, and some phonemic awareness) for my 6 year old. I thought I needed a real "learning to read" program instead of using PR for her. It turns out that I really dislike the way AAR teaches reading and much prefer how it is all presented in PR. So we have dropped AAR and gone straight into PR 1. We will use the AAR games as a fun supplement and for review. I love the way that PR teaches spelling to learn to read. I have seen how it reinforces those phonograms over and over again and passes on over into their reading.

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We just received our copy and haven't started yet but I had the same question and asking the author at one of the local conferences was one of my priorities this year. She assured me that it's totally fine and that if they already know how to read, then they will learn to spell. DS reads at a 3rd grade level currently. I'm curious though if we end up using it with DD (assuming she doesn't spontaneously learn to read at 3.5 y. like DS did).

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My 5 year old who already knows how to read is using the Phonics Road 1 right now. We are using it more for the spelling rules, it is a really great fit. We're going through it pretty quickly, if we were teaching her to read while doing the program I think it would take much longer.


I prefer other methods to teach reading, but it is great for other aspects of language.


She knows all the rule tunes, and I hear her singing about the 5 reasons for a silent final e all the time when she is reading and spelling :tongue_smilie:

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Personally I think Phonics Road is better after they know how to read. I know that isn't how it's marketed but I used PR 1 and 2 after my youngest could read and I couldn't imagine using it to teach reading.




I agree with Heather. DS is currently using PR1, and already knew how to read when we started. I will not be using PR to teach DD to read. I'll use Phonics Pathways with her, just like I did with DS.


ETA: I do really like PR, though, and plan to take both kids through all 4 levels.

Edited by emski4379
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