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Speech issues and writing skills


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One of my daughter's speech is subpar. She is almost 9yrs old and speak in phrases most of the time and has a hard time formulating speech when asked a question.


Her writing and phonics skills have suffered. It is a struggle to teach her.

I want to get her to some kind of speech but wondering about other people and their kids with possible speech issues affecting their writing/word analysis skills.

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My son's pronunciation problems definitely affect his ability to learn to spell. but his problems are no wheres near as bad as your daughters.


Honestly, if she has a hard time formulating words to speak, she will most likely also have a hard time formulating words to write. its not just a speech problem but probably a more basic language processing issue.


I think at this point she needs professional evaluation. also she may be eligible for services through the school, even as a homeschooler.


My son went through early intervention services for a few months, and everyone was very kind and helpful. However, he was showing good signs (to them) that he was just late in learning the basic skills, but still learning them all in the normal order, so we discontinued the services. If we had continued (past age 3) it would have been through the school system.

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My kid who had a bit of trouble with some sounds also got a later start on reading than his twin and still struggles a bit more than his brother - especially in reading aloud. And he's still an abysmal speller, especially compared to his twin who, while not stellar, spells fine for a 7 yo. I definitely blame the speech stuff for these issues. He doesn't have trouble getting words out and can write fine, with his own words, in complete sentences (where every other word is spelled wrong, but you get the idea).


As I understand it, these are two separate skills - one is pronunciation and the other is expressive language (I think that's what it's called). It sounds like your dd has expressive language issues. At 9 yo, I might see if you can get an evaluation for it - or at least look into whatever the "tricks" are that the professionals use for helping kids with it.

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Yes. My daughter's severe speech delay has closely mirrored her spelling and writing abilities, even with intense help in all areas.

Definitely get her into speech, even if you just go for an evaluation, get materials, and work at home. If its truly just expressive language, there is a lot you can do at home.

My general advice would be to back off of writing for a while and do everything orally. We use WWE and, up until this year, that was pretty much the only writing we did. It worked beautifully and gave her practice with structure at a higher level than her reading or spelling. Now that her language is catching up, her writing is following.

Good luck. Feel free to pm me. We've been in speech....always. My dd turns 10 next week.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I refer to this as an "expressive language problem"- not sure if that's the technical term or not. One of mine if very verbal, but has difficulty finding the right words to express himself.


When I researched the issue with regard to public speaking and writing composition the terms I found used most often were "word choice." So in writing, one must compose clear sentences but also be mindful of correct word usage and word choice.

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  • 4 months later...

With DS his speech issues have effected his phonics, spelling, narrating, and writing. This year he finished formal speech and OT(his muscles were underdeveloped so he also had handwriting issues) That being said he is behind his peers and we are struggling to bring him up to speed. Today, I am discourage to as what writing program to use - we went back to IEW A and will write the rough draft for Prince and the Pea. Time will tell how it goes. We just finished Level 3 ASS and it is helping but, it is slow and steady.


I would get her tested -


Oh afterthought if anyone has any thoughts on a better writing program for a struggling child please post.



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My son,who is now 8 and has expressive and receptive speech delay ( mainly expressive) , has learned how to read at 4 and is the best speller in my house. He spells way above average. However, heis very delayed in writing composition . Last year, he was not able to orally narrate from a simple story,but now, after reading a lot of books and using HOD, his oral narration is amazing. His writing is still very poor though. He writes very white/black and very short,choppy sentences. I am hoping this will improve in the next years,as his oral narration is excellent now.


So yes, I think speech delay can cause composition writing delay, but I'm not sure if this has anything to do with phonics or the physical act of writing,unless there are other LDs. A least this was my experience.

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my 8 year old son has been getting speech therapy since he was 15 months old. He has articulation issues. There are no known expressive language issues. He can read just fine, but the speech problems manifest in his spelling. That is seen as typical for his delay.


He will do cute things like call my attention to a word in a book and say "uh oh, they spelled a word wrong in this book!" I look and the word might be something like 'caterpillar'. I will ask him how it should be spelled and he will say "catapilla' That is how he says it and hears it, so that is how he spells it.


In my state, kids get therapy through the public schools when it effects their academic performance. Speech delays causing spelling or writing delays is one of the main reasons for justifying speech therapy.

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