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Help choosing curriculum for newbie!!


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I'm bringing home my 5th grader this year. She'll be starting 5th grade but she was advanced in Language Arts. This is our first year homeschooling Classically and I have so many questions I hope you all can help with.


I have purchased and read WTM and am feeling overwhelmed. So far I've purchased:


Math: Saxon 5/4

History: Story of the World 2 (we did ancients as family reading before)

Writing: The Complete Writer 1

Spelling: Spelling Workout F & G

Logic: Mindbenders Warm-up & Red Herring book

Latin: Prima Latina


What am I missing? What Grammar program should I use? I'm stuck trying to figure out what to do for Science, Grammar and I can't help but feel I'm missing something.:confused:


I also, have my 2nd grader at home, she's 8 but behind a year due to reading difficulties caused by hearing problems and speech problems, and we're doing:

Math: Singapore 2A & B

History: Story of the World 2

Writing: Writing with Ease 1

Spelling: Spelling Workout B & C

Grammar: First Language Lessons 2 & 3

Science: ??????


WHat am I missing? Does this sound like a solid year? I'm truly overwhelmed and could use any help.:confused:




Can you experienced folks help me out, please?:confused:

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I just wanted to say welcome and give you a bump. I am sure others will have better ideas for grammar. We always used Shurley and First Language Lessons. For science we really enjoyed Ellen McHenry courses. Remember you can always change if something isn't working.

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I felt very overwhelmed after I read TWTM. After going into my fifth year homeschooling, I can tell you it gets less overwhelming and more fun! This board and other boards like TWTM forum have experience coming out of the ears!!!! I love to ask questions or run searches to help me decide on things.


I'm bringing home my 5th grader this year. She'll be starting 5th grade but she was advanced in Language Arts. This is our first year homeschooling Classically and I have so many questions I hope you all can help with.


I have purchased and read WTM and am feeling overwhelmed. So far I've purchased:


Math: Saxon 5/4 Did she take the placement test?

History: Story of the World 2 (we did ancients as family reading before) Maybe get the tests to ramp it up a bit and/or do the history notebook that is laid out in TWTM.

Writing: The Complete Writer 1 TCW is more of a teacher's guide that lets you pick out excerpts from your own texts for levels 1-4 and overviews levels 5-12. The workbooks give you everything you need; no searching for pieces to pull from. Get either TCW or WWE workbooks. Since you said this is your first year on the classical course, maybe she could start with level 4 to get used to narration, etc. or since you said she is advanced in LA, check out Writing With Skill.

Spelling: Spelling Workout F & G

Logic: Mindbenders Warm-up & Red Herring book

Latin: Prima Latina This is more for younger elementary. If you want to stick with the same publisher, try First Form Latin. Lots of people like Lively Latin, Latin for Children, and Galore Park's Latin Prep if you don't mind looking at something from another publisher.


What am I missing? What Grammar program should I use? I'm stuck trying to figure out what to do for Science, Grammar and I can't help but feel I'm missing something.:confused:

Grammar: Some like R&S. Some like GWG. Some like MCT. It all depends on how your daughter learns. Does she like to talk with you? Does she like to be given a workbook? Does she like to think outside the box?

Science: What type of program do you want? A topic all year like in TWTM? A spiral of topics? Living books from the library? Textbooks? Do you mind going and getting supplies together or do you need it boxed and ready to go?

Missing: Sports? Music? Art? Harmony Fine Arts has art/art appreciation/composers in one place and you should be able to get one year to use with both kids.



I also, have my 2nd grader at home, she's 8 but behind a year due to reading difficulties caused by hearing problems and speech problems, and we're doing:

Math: Singapore 2A & B We love Singapore!

History: Story of the World 2

Writing: Writing with Ease 1

Spelling: Spelling Workout B & C She may not finish both in one year.

Grammar: First Language Lessons 2 & 3 She probably won't finish both in one year. Just stick with 2 and do it three times a week.

Science: ??????


WHat am I missing? Does this sound like a solid year? I'm truly overwhelmed and could use any help.:confused: It sounds like you are putting a lot of work into it and care about the education your children will receive...You are doing great :thumbup1:.



Can you experienced folks help me out, please?:confused:

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Thanks for your response. I had read that Rod and Staff was a complete program and since I already have Writing with Ease and Writing with Skill I was hoping for leads on just a stand alone Grammar program. With my 8 yr old, we are continuing with First Language Lessons. But not sure what to use with my 5th grader. She is a year ahead in LA so I'm thinking she may need something that's closer to 6th grade Grammar rather than 5th.


What is : Grammar: GWG & MCT? I"m not familiar with the initials. :confused:


I think we'll do Science as unit studies and hands on experiments with field trips sprinkled in.


We have piano lessons and art lessons once a week outside the home. As for PE, they will be starting Track & Field soon.


Any other suggestions, recommendations:bigear:

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I thought I'd start with Prima Latina and have both my girls do that together. So I thought Prima Latina would be easy enough for my 8 yr old, not too challenging for my 10 yr old and simple enough for me to teach (I have NO latin experience)

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that's the way to go. I'll definitely do Science together. Although Science, Lit and History won't be matching up the way it's suggested in WTM. Has anyone else done it that way?


If you are using SOTW 2, then Astronomy would line up on the four year run. Read over the suggestions for literature for 2nd and 6th as your older is more advanced there. You don't have to have your dc reading the exact same books. You might be able to find the same general story at their respective reading levels. So long as they're reading from the same time period, you should be fine.

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I thought I'd start with Prima Latina and have both my girls do that together. So I thought Prima Latina would be easy enough for my 8 yr old, not too challenging for my 10 yr old and simple enough for me to teach (I have NO latin experience)


Then I would start with Latina Christiana.

MP- Memoria Press

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Thanks for your response. I had read that Rod and Staff was a complete program and since I already have Writing with Ease and Writing with Skill I was hoping for leads on just a stand alone Grammar program. With my 8 yr old, we are continuing with First Language Lessons. But not sure what to use with my 5th grader. She is a year ahead in LA so I'm thinking she may need something that's closer to 6th grade Grammar rather than 5th.


What is : Grammar: GWG & MCT? I"m not familiar with the initials. :confused:


I think we'll do Science as unit studies and hands on experiments with field trips sprinkled in.


Any other suggestions, recommendations:bigear:


MCT is Michael Clay Thompson. There are several components (grammar, vocabulary, writing, lit analysis, poetry), although from reviews, it doesn't seem the writing guidance is as strong as other programs. Many on the hive use it so I'd recommend searching the threads for more info.


GWG is Growing With Grammar. I use this for my kids. It's very open and go. I spend 5 minutes reviewing the lesson with my child, then send him off to complete the worksheet.


If your dd can easily write a narration paragraph, I'd recommend she use Writing With Skill. There's a placement test on the Peace Hill Press website or you can give her a long excerpt from history and science. WWE4 might be boring and frustrating for a good writer.


If she hasn't done dictation before, you can give her some passages seperate from the writing program. It's tough for my kids, but I like dictation. I find it helps me assess the kids composition and memory skills.


For 5th grade science, consider using a high school textbook or encyclopedia to guide the study. Since your dd is advanced in LA, she should probably start making outlines and writing narrations on what she has learned. Search for posts from Regentrude; she has a list of books she used with her children. Lewelma also has some great threads on how she does science with her kids. Your younger child can tag along.

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