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Teachers Lounge! 8-14-2012

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Sorry about yesterday. Kids and I took an impromptu trip to a town 2.5 hours north of here! :-) Then I went to see a movie with a friend last night. Guess which one? :D


Anyway, the lounge is open today!


Lunch? Kids had sandwiches and I'm trying to eat mine but it's not going down very easily. :tongue_smilie:


School today? We're getting some done but it took my son over 2 hours to get 2 hours of math done. Ecause he kept goofing off. *sigh*


What are you up to tonight? I'm going to a writers group meeting with a friend.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Hi ya, Scrap!


What movie did you see?


Lunch - I just finished my salad with cut up chicken and some slivered almonds for protein. The kids are foraging for their own.


School today? - The only school the kids are doing today is some reading that both of them have in our quest to finish LAST YEAR'S school.


Instead we are spending today getting ready for Bible camp which starts in five days. I'm printing out all 10 lessons I'm teaching at camp and we're getting together music and other stuff I need.


We've also shampooed the dining room carpet for the second day in a row. The water in the extractor still looks like espresso from the carpet.:crying:


Tonight - Zumba!

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Lunch - kids didn't eat yet. They've been at a friend's house all day.


School - not today. I'm in bed sick.


Tonight? Hopefully I will be feeling better and can get some cleaning done. Kids will be exhausted so they'll be going to bed early.

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Lunch - Girls had leftover beans and I had leftover pasta.


School - :banghead::banghead: DD8 decided she hated school today and so every subject was accompanied by tears. And DD6 took about an hour and a half to do ten minutes worth of phonics because she was distracted by her sister, the dog, a spider on the ceiling, a speck of dust on the desk, a strange muscle in her leg, a scab on her scalp. I'm not making this up. It's only the second week. I think it might be a long year.


Tonight - I am sitting here trying to figure out why I am so tired and what to make for dinner. Also checking our bank website obsessively to see if DH's paycheck came through yet. :) Cause then there would be the possibility of takeout.

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Lunch? Kids had sandwiches and I'm trying to eat mine but it's not going down very easily. :tongue_smilie: mini-pizzas, salad, strawberries, and cantalope except for me - GF, I ended up dumping black beans on my salad and sprinkling the mozzarella on top


School today? We're getting some done but it took my son over 2 hours to get 2 hours of math done. Ecause he kept goofing off. *sigh* Everything except literature. I've been explaining the quadratic formula to the 13 and 12 year old and having performed about 30 of these things, I'm ready to be done with it.


What are you up to tonight? I'm going to a writers group meeting with a friend. Dh does the church books on Tuesday nights. I help him - filing, writing memos, etc. He's thinking of resigning that position and I'd be thrilled.

Talk to me! :bigear:



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