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3 part gripe for a moment

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It is 8 am Monday morning which is bad enough but I have to get these 3 gripes off my chest before I start our first day of school with the younger 2.


1. I only got 1 hour of sleep and am now miserable and grumpy. 'nough said on that one.


2. Our phone line has been dead since we got home from camp on Friday. Phone company says line is being repaired and will be fixed "soon" sure it will. I have messages I can not retrieve, important calls to make today and no means of calling for help in an emergency. No options to switch companies either since this is small town idiocy.


3. Daycare family returned today. I had my week long vacation last week to go to bible camp. I gave them 1 month notice of taking that week off. Today they were complaining that I didn't give them enough notice to book that week off themselves, so the girl had to go to her gramma's for the week and it was too long. It wasn't even a full week she went to her gramma's, she went Monday at bedtime and was home by 4 pm Friday. 1 month is ample notice imo. None of my kids like the child, which is tough but we make it work because I need the income. This family will often call me 5 minutes before designated pick up time to announce (not ask mind you) that they are showing up late to get the child because they want to go grocery shopping etc, meaning they show up at times an hour late to get her. Meaning she is here for 12 hours those days. They also will call me 5 minutes before they are supposed to be here in the morning to say she is not coming, meaning I am out of bed and such for no reason (I get up at 545 when she is coming here). I charge next to nothing and do not charge for days I am away like last week. It is so frustrating. They have also been demanding I get a new cell phone because they prefer to text me to pass on a message than to actually dial my number and tell me. I can't afford a cell phone, which is why we don't have one at this time.


Seriously, it is driving me insane. I must watch this child or we don't have enough income to get by, but it is starting to become a bigger headache than a help.


Oh and the mom is ticked that I will not watch her daughter on Wednesday when I go for my ultrasound to check for tumors. Seriously??? It's bad enough I have to take my own kids, I am not willing to take a disobedient 2 yr old with me. If she complains about that 1 more time I am going to fire them. They leave the girl with me even when they have a day off work so they can run errands, or go to the dr etc on their own. Yet I take all the kids including their's with me when I have been to my other dr's appts, blood work, errands etc. It was great fun having the 2 yr old interrupt constantly while the dr told me she thought I had a tumor.


Okay gripes done. Time to feed the younger 2 and get ready to start our school day.

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why does your doctor think you have a tumor? Where? I hope it is nothing!!!


Would it be difficult to get a new kid to watch? I certainly hope you are charging extra money when they pick her up late, and I hope you charge for the day when there is no advance notice.


I am sorry. It really stinks. I don't know about daycare but I would think YOU would have more say in the matter. Are you sure you're charging enough? Are your prices competitive to those around you?


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:I hope your phone is fixed soon, too. It really stinks to come back from time away and have to deal with a mess.

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Would it be difficult to get a new kid to watch? I certainly hope you are charging extra money when they pick her up late, and I hope you charge for the day when there is no advance notice.


:iagree: I'm with Denise here. I'd be looking for a replacement kid, honestly.

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why does your doctor think you have a tumor? Where? I hope it is nothing!!!


Would it be difficult to get a new kid to watch? I certainly hope you are charging extra money when they pick her up late, and I hope you charge for the day when there is no advance notice.


I am sorry. It really stinks. I don't know about daycare but I would think YOU would have more say in the matter. Are you sure you're charging enough? Are your prices competitive to those around you?


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:I hope your phone is fixed soon, too. It really stinks to come back from time away and have to deal with a mess.


It took me 6 months to get this kid. No one in this peice of garbage town cares if their kid goes to daycare or not. I am considered expensive charging $500/month. Most other home daycares in my town charge $350-400/month. (There is no daycare center, just home daycares here).


I do charge extra but they were not paying for the days she missed even with late notification, because the alternative is having her here sick. If they are paying they bring her sick.


If we lived in the city still I would be charging $700/month min and have no trouble staying full. Out here is so different.


As for tumor. My physical blood work came back hinky. Follow up blood work has too. Dr suspects adrenal tumor and I have a renal ultrasound on wednesday to check for them. Next test after that is some suppression one with a medication I have to drink followed by blood work. And dr has mentioned an MRI following that. In otherwords lots of testing yet to come before we know for sure. But she said based on results, symptoms etc she would put money on it being that.

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It took me 6 months to get this kid. No one in this peice of garbage town cares if their kid goes to daycare or not. I am considered expensive charging $500/month. Most other home daycares in my town charge $350-400/month. (There is no daycare center, just home daycares here).


I do charge extra but they were not paying for the days she missed even with late notification, because the alternative is having her here sick. If they are paying they bring her sick.


If we lived in the city still I would be charging $700/month min and have no trouble staying full. Out here is so different.


As for tumor. My physical blood work came back hinky. Follow up blood work has too. Dr suspects adrenal tumor and I have a renal ultrasound on wednesday to check for them. Next test after that is some suppression one with a medication I have to drink followed by blood work. And dr has mentioned an MRI following that. In otherwords lots of testing yet to come before we know for sure. But she said based on results, symptoms etc she would put money on it being that.


oh my gosh! I had not heard a thing about this!!! I am really sorry. I wish I could come help with the kids while you get yourself taken care of. I hope all turns out ok. Please keep up posted!!!:grouphug::grouphug:


I am beyond shocked that you get so little money for 12 hour days. It's an awful situation but if finding kids is that difficult, I guess you're going to have to put up with their inconsiderate and irritating spirits. :sad: that's a shame. Maybe you can start to look for another now since it will take awhile?

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oh yipee, having once again "spoken" with a phone company rep online, now it looks like thursday at the soonest to have it fixed. That will put me at nearly a full week with no phone. No way to access messages left, my school board called, but I can't see why or contact them. I also got a call from a company I have an order pending with I can not return gah!

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New school year = rate increase. Plus $10 per hour charge for every hour or half hour they are late starting at 10 minutes after scheduled pick up. One hour notice of canceling for the day required or they are charged for the day. Write it up, give it to them at pick up today and have them sign it. Frustration with the parents is only going to lead to frustration with the child. These people are not doing you a favor by letting you watch their child. This should be a mutually beneficial business arrangement.


Make it a lite day. Get to bed early tonight. Good luck with your appointment. :grouphug:

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oh my gosh! I had not heard a thing about this!!! I am really sorry. I wish I could come help with the kids while you get yourself taken care of. I hope all turns out ok. Please keep up posted!!!:grouphug::grouphug:


I am beyond shocked that you get so little money for 12 hour days. It's an awful situation but if finding kids is that difficult, I guess you're going to have to put up with their inconsiderate and irritating spirits. :sad: that's a shame. Maybe you can start to look for another now since it will take awhile?


Thanks. I have been looking for a replacement since her 2nd month with me. I have a part timer but his family is unreliable. They didn't show up the first week of the month so they haven't even paid this month yet

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At least your internet isn't down too. I hope you find another daycare child and you phone is fixed soon. :grouphug:


Thank God for that. It is bad enough to be left without phone but at least I have been able to contact most that have left me messages via email to explain the phone situation and find out why they called.

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