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Igniting Your Writing on sale at Currclick


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At only $5 each, you seriously can't afford to miss this sale!


Igniting Your Writing volumes 1 and 2 are on sale at a deep discount at Currclick this month (usual price is $16 each).


I got both volumes at a sale last year at $8 and I really like these books. These are targeted for slightly older writers (who already write with ease ;)) to improve their technique and write with confidence.

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It looks good. I have so many writing curricula. I'm swimming in them. I have reasons why I am drawn to this, but without larger samples, I'm not sure if it will accomplish the goal I would like it to.


If anyone has used this, please enable or disenable as you see fit. Why should curriculum hoarders buy or not buy this?


When does the sale end?

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The sale ends Aug. 24th.


Thanks! Ugh! It's a good deal, but I am so squeezed this month. And anything I buy means I have less time to teach some different but equally good thing I already have on my buckling book shelves. Or at least that is what I'm telling myself to make myself feel better.


No one has any enabling reviews of this curriculum?

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My oldest used both 1 and 2. Love this writing program!


Please enable us. I like to drool over curriculum even when I can't afford it. I'm sick that way. And then I often buy it anyway and spend the end of the month living in tea and toast.


What made you choose to actually finish level 1 and start/finish level 2?

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