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Pampered pooches...

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My oldest dds are moving out:party: this week.

One dd is leaving behind an old full sized mattress.


Today as she was packing up she brought the old mattress into our 'great room'. Our 2 white German Shepherds claimed it immediately.


It actually fits nicely in one of the corners by the fireplace where the 'regular' dogs beds were...


I can't believe that I just agreed to make a nice 'washable' cover for the NEW DOG BED!


It will be a week or so before I have it transformed... should we get some fancy doggy pillows too?:lol:

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When we got our new couch, we gave the old one to our Belgian Shepherd. It fits nicely in one side of his room. Yes....we have a dog with his own room and his own furniture. :blushing:


The other one doesn't need her own room and furniture - because she has taken over the guest room and the bed that goes with it - that is, when she is not in bed with one of her people.

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well I think it's great! If I had the room I would do the same, but my little 1400 sq ft house barely supports a couch, loveseat and entertainment center (because we have a piano and 2 shelves as well.


But outside, they have a kuranda bed. LOVE them and fuss over who gets it. Was just telling hubby that I needed to buy a couple more

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